Monday, February 28, 2011

Madore makes a case.

It was just a couple of days ago when Brancaccio used the dull-blade of his non-rapier wit to try and do yet another of his interminable hatchet jobs and David Madore, arguably the most committed anti-democratian agenda resident of Clark County.

I named him that because he brings something the rest of us can only dream of; a check book that makes it impossible for the Brancaccio's and the downtown mafias of the world to ignore him as he resists there efforts and accomplishes more single-handidly then just about anyone else who sees this steaming pile for what it is.

In the comments of Brancaccio's pathetic hit piece of Saturday, Madore deftly deals with the issues and asks some really intriguing questions... most of which cement the democratian as the downtown mafia's propaganda arm.

The answers to these questions show what an embarrassment the rag is, as it has long since abandoned any pretense of fairness or accuracy or journalism, routinely ignoring and not bothering to seek out opposition to their utopian socialist exercise where they can get 65,000 commuting families to pay for their worthless, multi-billion dollar project.

Here's much of what Madore said in the comments. And I, for one, am impressed.

And please note: I am not connected to David Madore in any way. Proof of that is the simple fact that had he taken my advise, Steve Stuart would have been unemployed and we wouldn't have heard a peep out of Brancaccio.

Madores comments are under this bizarre whack job article by Brancaccio here:

I would like to extend a warm invitation to whoever is interested to come for a tour. Shirley will give the tour of the Outreach Center. And I will give the tour of the US Digital Motion Control side. We have set aside two times:

Wednesday, March 9th from 2-3:30pm and Thursday and March 10th from 9:30-11am.

To reserve a spot, please call 360-816-1400 or email:

If we get more than a few people interested, we will limit the group size to make sure each person can be engaged.

I will be happy to visit and have a two way conversation with whoever wants to stay afterwards.

US Digital 1400 NE 136 Ave Vancouver, WA 98684

DavidMadore — February 28, 2011 at 12:50 p.m.
( suggest removal ) Ignore User )


To answer your questions about our average wages, I have asked our accounting staff to provide those answers and more. I hope to post that this afternoon. I can tell you that we are never concerned about what the minimum wage is because we are always well above that for virtually every job.

DavidMadore — February 28, 2011 at 1:04 p.m. ( suggest removal ) Ignore User


Regarding our wages and benefits, here are your answer. I have not included my wages or my wife’s in these numbers. The average hourly wage is $26.35. This was calculated by adding everyone's wages together and divided by the number of employees. The minimum that we pay anyone is $12.50 per hour.

In addition to this hourly wage the benefit package includes: • 80 hours of Paid Time off each year in addition to the week of paid time off between Christmas and New Years

* Medical/dental/vision benefits of which 70% are paid by the company

• $50,000 of life insurance paid by the company with the options to buy additional benefits at a group rate

• 4 day work week for most employees (4 ten hour days)

onsite fitness center with two personal trainers and scheduled fitness classes (free)

*onsite nutrition specialist (free)

* all the healthy snacks you can eat (free)

onsite massage therapist with a reduced rate

onsite hair salon with reduced rates

onsite espresso café where all proceeds are given to a selected nonprofit each week

DavidMadore — February 28, 2011 at 1:36 p.m. ( suggest removal ) Ignore User


We are continually looking for better ways to be good stewards of our resources. All proceeds from the sale of all our recycled cardboard and metal chips go into a “gleaners fund” that gets donated to worthy causes.

Several of our engineers volunteer as mentors for the FIRST Robotics clubs in the area to help high school kids develop into gifted engineers. One of our teams took 2nd place in the regional finals last year.

We pay our bills early and have the highest credit rating available that Duns and Bradstreet. IN a couple weeks, we should have our most recent fiscal year tax report finished. We will then be able to tell you exactly how much tax we paid.

Today marks the end of the month for us. It also breaks another sales record. In this economy, we set 17 monthly sales records in a row.

I don’t share this to brag, but to demonstrate that a business can be a blessing to employees and their community. We lead by example. One reason is that we follow our Owner’s Manual, the Bible. We get blessed as we bless others. We stay debt free, own our buildings outright, and live within our means.

We respect people and give them freedom. It is a safe place where people are appreciated regardless of their beliefs.

We grow fastest during a recession because good people are normally employed in a healthy economy. When those businesses have to let people go, often because of unsustainable debt, we hire them. We have been in business for 30 years and have fun doing what we do best, creating and manufacturing practical motion control components.

Customer satisfaction takes priority over profit. Best of all, we have fun, lots of fun and humor as we work to make the world a better place.

DavidMadore — February 28, 2011 at 1:43 p.m. ( suggest removal ) Ignore User

Lou, Nice to see that you are online too. I will do one better than go out to coffee with you. I extend a warm invitation to you to come get the best coffee you ever tasted here at our Engedi Cafe at US Digital. My treat.

Then we can have a tour and a visit. Are you game?

Remember my points that you have not addressed? Will you please answer them?

DavidMadore — February 28, 2011 at 1:48 p.m. ( suggest removal ) Ignore User


To address your questions about my contributions to candidates, I was not really involved with politics or elections prior to 2010 because I had naively assumed that our representatives were doing a reasonable job.

It was a wakeup call to discover the gross waste and financial irresponsibility that prevailed. I know business and I recognize the symptoms and consequences of unsustainable debt. We are already in deep trouble and still heading in the wrong direction by continued deficit spending, accumulating massive debt and mortgaging our future.

All the contributions from NoTolls to each candidate can be seen at:

In addition, my wife and I contributed the maximum to a sizeable list of local candidates. The most significant one was Alan Svehaug to challenge Steve Stuart for County Commissioner. I paid Alan's filing fee and think I contributed the maximum to his campaign. I think Alan came within 1.5 % of winning.

Why would I do that? Because in my view, Steve Stuart is a strong supporter
of the CRC. I believe that as the community finds out what the CRC has been doing, many people will be outraged. I supported the other candidates because of their understanding of financial stewardship and respect for citizens. We are seeing continued problems in both of these areas because most incumbents who got us into this mess still got re-elected.

Give up? Nope. One characteristic of a design engineer / inventor is patience and tenacity. I will apply those gifts to help our community get back on track as best as I can. No one can do that alone, nor should they. If our community will not rally, I will yield to the democratic process. But I am hoping that we can yet turn things around.

We can build a 3rd bridge for 5% of the CRC project. I believe that we must fire the CRC for their mismanagement, their gross waste, and their plans to sink us all under a mountain of debt that will do great harm to our community. Only then can we accomplish great things that will move us forward into a sustainable and healthy future.

DavidMadore — February 28, 2011 at 3:07 p.m. ( suggest removal ) Ignore User

On Feb 16, Identity Clark County lobbied Washington State Senate to use CRC bridge tolls to pay for the maintenance and operations of light rail. It seems that since there is little hope that Clark County taxpayers will approve a sales tax increase to pay for the operations of light rail, that Identity Clark County is attempting an end-run-around the taxpayers to have the state authorize it anyway directly from the tolls.

Scroll to minute 36:00 on the video at:

The readers of the Columbian should know that the owner of the Columbian is part of
Identity Clark County who is doing this. Does this explain why that story was not reported by the Columbian?

DavidMadore — February 28, 2011 at 5:24 p.m. ( suggest removal ) Ignore User


Regarding your question about US Digital providing a 401k plan to our employees…

I did not list all of the benefits that we provide. Yes, we provide a 401k plan and match dollar for dollar up to 5%. We also provide a generous profit sharing plan. I think you get the point that business can be good for people and communities.

DavidMadore — February 28, 2011 at 5:33 p.m. ( suggest removal ) Ignore User


I've been to your office with Wendell Cox, when a reporter interviewed him after our presentation at Life Point Campus.

I encourage you to venture a little further than the coffee shop a block away from you. Who knows? The change of scenery may do you good. You might make a friend and discover warm hospitality waiting for you here at US Digital.

Come on Lou, come see what you can only imagine. Pay us a visit. It will be worth your while.

DavidMadore — February 28, 2011 at 5:53 p.m. ( suggest removal ) Ignore User

Notice that Scott Campbell is not simply a member. He is a member of the board of directors at Identity Clark County:

The board sets the agenda. Control of the local monoopy newspaper is a powerful tool to push that agenda.

Fair and unbiased?

DavidMadore — February 28, 2011 at 6 p.m. ( suggest removal ) Ignore User

There are other comments in this column and the follow up rabble-rousing Brancaccio's so good at.

But clearly, the biggest issue here is that Brancaccio and his fellow leftists simply cannot believe that Madore or anyone else can act a certain way or do certain things because they really believe in the issue at hand. They always try to find the angle... who's paying, even when no one is... in short, the Brancaccio's of the world believe everyone else acts out of the reasons they do... thus they look for the hidden secret.,.. the dishonesty... the lack of integrity.

Because that's what motivates THEM.

Madore... and others... represent a kind of people that Brancaccio simple cannot comprehend... and neither can his fringe left fellow travelers. In that regard, I am like Madore... in that I oppose the democratian agenda not because anyone is paying me to... but because it is completely wrong for this communit5y, it's enslaved to the special interests Brancaccio and his ilk foster inj the downtown mafia, who want what THEY want, regardless of the costs, impacts or the will of the people.

IN THIS ONE COLUMN, David Madore has exhibited more transpoarency and patience then Ridgefield Barbie or their other leftist hero, Barack Obama.

And Brancaccio, Stuart and The Liar simply can't stand it.
You actually can oppose this crap pile without being the characture that slime like Laird portray. You can be just as concerned about the people and our community as those who want so desperatel,y to ram this steaming pile down our throats without a vote, indebting us FOR LIFE... all so these clowns can get loot rail into Vancouver... costs and injury be damned.


  1. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Hey Kelly. Can you put all of this into a private file for later recall. This article you published PLUS a couple of the other ones related to the Mayor?

    I believe you may have to call on these facts later. I just have a feeling....

  2. Also one thing that you forgot to add is all of the data that madore left about his new media presence online. and -


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