Monday, February 28, 2011

The Liar continues to machine gun himself in the foot.

Vancouver's own Keystone Cop mayor has moved to the top of my "tin-eared" politician list, narrowly edging out the Leavitt-endorsed Obama for being as dumb as a plank.

So, this clown lies to everyone on his toll position, then flips as soon as he thinks he can get away with it so the democratian will have years to rehabilitate is scummy image... and then this?

The Liar had a woman who's spliting the sheets with him get up and comment on the moronic bridge/loot rail plan that Mayor McIdiot has fallen in love with. The room essentially knew these two were exchanging bodily fluids, yet The Liar called her up there like she was just another Joanne Six Pack (As opposed to Joe Sixpack) and this attorney has the bad judgement to call the people she works for as a public servant "liars."

Well, folks don't take kindly to being called "liars." I'm sure that Leavitt doesn't like it when I call him one, but as they say... "The truth is an absolute defense." Unfortunately for Tawana Brawley, or whatever her name is, when you lie about The People, they are going to tend to take offense.

Whining and sniveling about it during pillow talk with your boyfriend isn't the way to fix this. And for the boyfriend, infringing on the rights of the citizens YOU would govern by silencing their dissent is a guaranteed way to end an already rotten political career that is, most likely, gone down the sewer anyway.

Heck, maybe that's what we're seeing here... kind of a political kamikaze act because The Liar knows he's chipped beef on toast anyway.

But for him to use a whining girlfriend as a reason to do anything in government?

That's over the top.... even for The Liar.

Cross posted at Tim Leavitt Watch.

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