Monday, February 28, 2011

Huckabee and the scam.

I was something of a Mike Huckabee guy.

I met him at a dinner a few years back ... he's a very affable, intelligent, quick witted individual.

But I've crossed him off my list because of his involvement in the "" scam.

Now, don't misunderstand me. I have made, and will continue to make my position clear on that horrific, unconstitutional piece of trash known as Obamacare.

But that's not the issue here. That's not why Huckabee is doing this.

What Huckabee is doing... the entire purpose of this campaign... is to build a list.

Don't get me wrong.

I have no problem with Huckabee making a list. That's what politicians do.

In fact, here locally, those completely in the pocket of the Mohegan/Paskenta/Cowlitz/Barnett scam known as the megacasino did the exact same thing in LaCenter for the elections in '09.

Those in the casino posse... most of the city government and the mayor, along with the Nolans, put together a campaign that was SUPPOSED to be to build a petition to put the sell-out of LaCenter to a vote.

What they didn't tell anyone and what the true purpose of the petitions were was entirely to put together a GOTV list so these clowns could get their ignorant supporters out to vote in the elections and take over control of the city council... which they proceeded to do like clockwork.

It was typically underhanded and slimy, but brilliantly planned and executed.

And that's what Huckabee is doing here. He's putting together a list, because no one is going to pay any attention to an "electronic" petition with names and emails... and why do they even need our phone numbers? Check out the terms of use:

So, sorry, Gov. It's not that I mind you putting a list together... a list you can either use or sell for your future campaigns.

It's that you're doing it as a subterfuge... keeping the people in the dark who are "signing" this list as to it's true purpose.

Because no one in DC will care about your "petition" except you. And that's the kind of garbage we already have in the White House.


  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    The state and county GOP orgs sent out emails earlier this month, variously urging recipients to 'help stop the attacks' on Rob McKenna by going to to 'sign the petition.'

    This seemed a lot like a campaign list-building scam, too. So I did not fill out the 'petition,' though I certainly agree with McKenna's challenge of Obamacare's constitutionality.

    Interestingly, I don't see any 'Terms of use' on the McKenna site...

  2. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Kelly, Thank you for the headsup on this scam.

  3. Heh. I exist to serve.

  4. Anon @11:50, Rob's effort was in response to Inslee's voter ID effort, a "petition" to make medicine completely socialist.

    It's a sorry statement that now, like House (TV Show) says, "everyone lies."

  5. Anonymous9:13 AM

    It appears that your site collects the vary same information that you are mentioning above. Thank you for posting the link to the terms of use because that makes me feel even safer providing my information to the repeal it now site.

    Your information is collected in this manner when you shop at Walmart and every time you use your ATM card.

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Wow, my comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval. Who is monitoring what?

  7. I'm totally confused, Anon @ 9:13.

    You seem to believe that I have the magical power to collect your name, email address and the like and then email back to you.

    You also must have seen my TV ad campaign designed to get you here so I can capture your information and use it later. Your probably wondering how a small time local blogger can afford a nationwide campaign, even if it's on the much lower priced cable outlets.

    And, of course, when anyone goes to WalMart and uses plastic to pay for something, they typically know up front that as a condition of the transaction, efforts are made to keep the information that can be used to follow up in the event your transaction is fraudulent.

    As I pointed out; telling people the purpose of your very expensive effort to drive up traffic to your website is to somehow impact policy in DC when no such impact is possible from a bunch of email addresses and names is one thing; when the purpose... which is actually building the list is your true motivation, well, that's something else altogether.

    How any of this even remotely comes close to Huckabee's efforts is a mystery to me. This place isn't a graffiti wall, where you can just come along and spray whatever you like.

    But I do post opposing points of view... much like yours... even when they're dead wrong... again... much like yours.

    I review comments to weed out the death threats, spam and the like. You don't mind awfully, do you?

    There's a good chap.

  8. Anonymous12:11 PM

    When Huckabee and the rest of the GOP can stand up and decline the Goverment Health care they receive from our tax dollars, then let them destroy attempts to deny the others Americans any chance of health care.
    USA is the only country in the world that does not provide affordable health, I am from a third world country and we had great goverment sponsored health care plan.
    "STAND UP HUCKABE AND DECLINE THE HEALTH CARE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE PROVIDED" - lets see if you and your cronies have the guts to do it?

  9. Anonymous12:14 PM

    When Huckabee and the rest of the GOP can stand up and decline the Goverment Health care they receive from our tax dollars, then let them destroy attempts to deny the others Americans any chance of health care.
    USA is the only country in the world that does not provide affordable health care, I am from a third world country and we had great goverment sponsored health care plan.
    "STAND UP HUCKABE AND DECLINE THE HEALTH CARE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE PROVIDED" - lets see if you and your cronies have the guts to do it?

  10. Anonymous6:21 PM

    sue i think you said it all.My vote when it comes time will not be obama thats for sure.Hes yet to do anything that was worth doing in the White House but make things worse.I am only 28yrs old and not one of those folks that watch the news or keep up on whats going on in the White House but the way things are going and what hes messing up i have.The reason for that is I have 2 kids and I am so worried about there future how broke will are country be when they get my age raiseing a family!!!!!!! wake up America !!!

  11. I understand the need for national health care. heck, I was one of the people who needed it. But now I make good money, I don't need it anymore, and I have private insurence.
    Both my kids are sick. They need to see doctors all the time. Because of the healthcare changes, Their doctors had to close up shop, and we have to drive an extra 6 hours to get them the care they need. That's adding to my bills, and not making them more affordable.
    I don't know much about politics, and I don't understand why we can't all work together on this. I believe we should have better healthcare, but Obamacare, at least in my family, isn't it.

  12. Anonymous6:41 PM

    republicrats or democrins...they are all alike. all any of them do is screw the people they are supposed to be working for. all they have ever done is take away from us while taking payoffs from lobbiests to do things to debase us more and more while making themselves exempt from all the insanity they force on us. if they put back the money they have given themselves in raises and benefits which they should never had had without our approval while systematically reducing ours, paid back money to systems that they were never supposed to be able to access for their own benefit such as social security and lottery
    monies we would probably be solvent and wanting for nothing...oh yeah, except for our jobs which they shipped out of our country leaving us with NOTHING..then they say america should create more-where, with what and they could make it possible for themselves and their greedy friends to sell us down the river again and obamacare, as far as i am concerned is the for them and against us as do all things they touch! what a joke they are and the idiolts who let them keep doing what they are doing...just sayin'...they lie they cheat they steal they murder and they keep on keepin' on

    1. Anonymous2:25 AM

      Its to late people the gov both sides lie constantly don't do shit 4 us only serve them selves they all have the same agenda they have taken away most of our freedom with scare tactics using terrisom as the culpert I mean really they know Obama not a USA citizen should never be Pres and they know it but yet know of them will pursue it to take him and his regime out only way to make a change is arm a million Americans take DC over blow it up and start over but they know that's not gonna happen they have caused to much divsion here a nation dived against itself can not stand o and the USA is a republic look it up and yet both sides keep saying democracy lying to us constantly its to late nwo is already here waiten on God

  13. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Anonymous(the one above Quietly Listening),I agree with you that America needs to wake up. But that isn' going to happen until people- people like you and me- start standing up for issues that go far deeper than politics.

  14. Anonymous10:11 PM

    I'm for supporting removal of obamacare, regardless of it's cover.
    Is anyone aware the institution of militia from the Obama administration if by June or July they realize defeat in re-elections in November?

  15. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I'm in favor of any attempt to remove Obamacare, regardless of it's cover.
    Has anyone have info regarding the latest on the Obama Administration proposed enforcement by the militia, initiated by Obama Administration should it be realized by July no chance of re-election?

  16. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I am an American,and I lived in Canada for many years,sooo,I know a little about their health care system.It is the norm to wait several months,even a couple of years for a joint replacement.Organ transplants are not high on the list either.Wait,wait,wait is the answer,and just maybe the pain will go away without medical care...or better yet,you will be dead and the need will no longer be necessary.
    Old people,over 70,are a drag on the system,and those decisions are out of the patients hands.DOES THIS SOUND LIKE WHAT YOU WANT?

  17. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Are so many of you so dense as to think that President Obama's bill is "socialized medicine", like Canada or Europe? It's a horrible bill, but not for the reasons you think! It doesn't replace private insurance, it gives a guaranteed, huge pool of clients to private insurance!!! Read it and get back to me!

    And for those of you ("Sue") who bring up the Sarah Palin (idiot woman of the great white north) "death panel" canard, what do you think HMO's are...actual death panels, with insurance executives deciding who gets what treatment!!!


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