Monday, February 28, 2011

Unions have their dem lackeys shackle paid signature gatherers... while exempting unions.

Writing a bill to punish the people generally and those who oppose you specifically... particularly a bill that seems unconstitutional on it's face... is a time-honored tradition of the left, and SB 5297 is no exception.

Face it, democrats and unions hate Tim Eyman with an almost indescribable passion. Obviously, they use Eyman as a straw man for every ill facing this state, beating hell out of him as a substitute for beating hell out of the people who vote his initiatives into place.

That's right, folks... democrats and unions believe the people of this state are stupid. That we're a bunch of morons who cannot think for ourselves.

Take a look at their moronic income tax initiative last cycle. Using the democratian model of lies, exaggerations, deliberate misinterpretation and revisionist history, Bill Gates Sr. was their mouthpiece and their efforts got crushed.

Thus, we're stupid.

Tim Eyman ran ANOTHER version of the spending cap (I-1053), and the people... the people... who are hurting, badly, and getting squeezed by these same democrats and the whining, sniveling unions that own them, once again voted those limits back into place.

Thus, we're stupid.

Eyman uses, on occasion, paid signature gatherers. So do unions, of course, but that typical fringe-left hypocrisy in this instance shines through. More on that in a moment.

Suffice it to say that the democrat majority (and how bizarre is that? How can a state that has passed these caps THREE TIMES, only to have the legislature toss them, have a democrat majority?) chaffs at the very idea that the people have a say. They wince when they consider that in the midst of a horrific recession, the people do not want them to raise our taxes, or give their owners, the unions, pay raises; or have public employees exempted from paying anything for their medical insurance... you know, like the private sector does?

So what do they do? They stick it to the Eymans of Washington State while exempting their union masters from many of the same restrictions... fringe leftist hypocrisy only shown, heretofore, by rags like the democratian.

Here's the story. Hopefully, you haven't eaten when you've read this:

A Guilty Plea in SEIU Initiative Signature-Forging Case – But the Left Turns Embarrassment to its Advantage in the Legislature

Interest Groups Say Union Fraud Case Justifies a Crackdown on Initiatives, and Guess What? – Bill Excludes Labor Unions

SEIU's Adam Glickman testifies in favor of the initiative crackdown
before the Senate Governmental Operations Committee Feb. 10.

By Erik Smith

Staff writer/ Washington State Wire


OLYMPIA, Feb. 26.—Union officials and left-wing activist groups are saying that an embarrassing signature fraud case involving the Service Employees International Union last summer is a terrific reason to regulate everyone else.


They’re pushing a bill that would impose tight new restrictions on signature-gathering companies. It’s the same basic idea they’ve been backing for years, and it’s looking like it is picking up support in the Democrat-controlled Legislature.


But here’s the funny thing about it. Not only is the SEIU case the only time in recent years that any campaign has turned in fraudulent signatures to the state – the bill that SEIU is backing wouldn’t apply to labor unions. (My emphasis)


Senate Bill 5297 would impose strict new registration requirements on signature-gathering firms, strengthen a requirement that canvassers sign petitions, and jack up initiative filing fees 100-fold, from $5 to $500. It's full-steam ahead for the measure: The Senate Ways and Means Committee passed it Friday afternoon, meaning the bill is likely to get a vote on the Senate floor.


And it dumbfounds those who have been watching the matter closely. Sometimes you see bills where the arguments are weak. But it’s not often you see a bill where the arguments have no apparent connection with the legislation. And no one seems able to point out a problem that the bill would actually fix.


“It’s filthy, but that’s politics,” said Edward Agazarm, co-owner of Citizen Solutions, the state’s only locally owned signature-gathering firm.


“It’s just the two-facedness of it all that really irks me.”


SEIU Official Pleads Guilty


That singular signature-fraud case is nearing its end. In a development that hasn’t been reported until now, former SEIU negotiator Claudia McKinney pleaded guilty Feb. 16 to the felony in King County Superior Court. She is scheduled to be sentenced March 4, and the prosecutor’s office is recommending 20 days in jail or 160 hours of community service.


That's right. Because they believe us to be stupid, they believe they can shill this double standard as a measure to "protect" us WHEN THE PEOPLE THEY ARE EXEMPTING FROM THESE STANDARDS ARE THE ONLY ONES THEY WOULD "PROTECT" US FROM!!!!

Goebbels would turn green with envy.


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