Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today's arrogant stupidity: Sen. "Mo Money" Murray. Our response? "No Patty... we don't want the damned bridge."

It's a shame we had the two candidates we were stuck with in the general election.

Rossi was... well... Rossi. But Murray was an idiot... and with this pronouncement, it's pretty clear she still is.

Murray is obviously shilling for the unions that own her. Thus her moronic observation that people like me should "identify an alternative" is just that: moronic.

1. First option: don't do anything.

2. Second option: build another bridge where it will actually make a difference... because this plan that she's babbling about will do absolutely nothing to address congestion or freight mobility... so those spewing nonsense about reduced time and reduced congestion in their cars clearly don't know what the hell they're talking about... including our state's senior moron.

Like most every other bridger/looter, Murray won't have to pay for this crap pile every day, day in and day out, to go to work, and clearly, she doesn't give a damn about the 65,000 commuters and their families who will; or any of the local businesses depending on their disposable income.

And the cost for this abortion will be at least double that what the proponents claim, leading to horrifically expensive tolls that will remain in place forever... because, after all, our State Supreme Court has told us it's perfectly OK for these people to lie... so lie they will.

But Murray, as stupid as she is (Rated 4th dumbest member of Congress out of 535 by Progressive Magazine out of Madison, Wisconsin) represents the government we deserve.

And every government official who supports her extortion should be recalled or turned out as soon as possible. And while local leaders should "stand up and take a position," the position they take should not include Murray's "paying back my union owners" lay-down.

What a fricking idiot.

And, of course, the democratian couldn't find anyone who opposes this steaming pile to comment on Murray's idiocy.

Something like that would require "journalism." And no one at the rag seems to know anything about that.


Lew said...

I believe several "alternatives" have been offered and her ilk shoots every single one of them down.

Murray is a prime example of government oppression and ignoring those elected to represent.

Martin Hash said...

Here are some questions I will ask Jeff Hamm, Executive Director of C-Tran, at the 17th Demo meeting on Monday:
1) Will the tolls be both ways?
2) How will the toll money be split between Oregon & Washington?
3) How will the construction costs be split between Oregon & Washington?
4) What is the bridge cost without Light Rail? (Supposedly, DC is only chipping in $500 mil.)
5) What would just a light rail bridge cost?
6) Why aren’t the flaws of an alternative “Third Bridge” more visibly advertised?

For over $100 mil spent so far, all of these question must have been deeply researched.

Lew said...

She continues to ignore that of the 5 counties most likely to feel any effect of this boondoggle, Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, Lewis and Wahkiakum, all voted against her in the last election by some decent margins.

Maybe too that is why she skips coming before voters and taxpayers and instead, meets with selected "business leaders" (those that want taxpayers picking up the bill for them) and elected officials already in loot rails pockets.

We the people is a meaningless phrase to her and her cronies.

K.J. Hinton said...

Here's a few of what I believe are some important questions in addition to yours:

1. What about the impacts on our local economy and local governments from $100,000,000 vaporizing every year?

Small business in this area depends, in large part, on disposable income. How will these businesses succeed with that money now gone? And what about the reductions in revenue to the cities and county government from multi-million dollar reductions in sales tax?

Where does that money come from?

2. What about the financial impacts on the commuters? Where does that fit in?

3. Why haven't we had an advisory vote on the whole project?

K.J. Hinton said...

And Lew, you nailed it. It's like her constituency ends at the southern border of Pierce and the northern border of Snohomish.

Anonymous said...

Kelly & Lew,

Do you remember about 3 or 4 months ago when Karlock and some notolls activists picked one of her events at the Port?

Anonymous said...

For those who did not have a chance, here is a video I believe of Patty's last visit.: