Saturday, January 08, 2011

More from arguably the worst elected official in the Country: Sam Reed.

Ever since we were unfortunate enough to have Reed elected to Secretary of State, he has been an abysmal failure at the main job he's responsible for, which is holding elections for the state.

Reed's primary function since he set foot in office has been to make Reed's job easier.

A huge proponent of motor voter, a great plan he thought up to register illegal aliens, foreigners and convicted felons by the thousands.

Reed had 8 years to address the felon voting issue, and did absolutely nothing except send those self-same felons tens of thousands of voter registration forms... while they weren't allowed to vote.

Because Reed was a complete failure at developing and implementing any system that would, in a timely manner, scrub the voter roles with a convicted felon database.

Instead of focusing on how to make that happen, he focused on whining and sniveling about how hard it was. The solution?

Now, we're faced with a dichotomy. Now convicted felons who haven't completed their sentence have the right to vote... thanks to Reed.

The outcome?

Problem solved!

Of course, if Reed gave a damn about voter integrity, he would cancel all voter registrations, require re-registration with proof of citizenship, and then require proof of address in order to vote.

The lazy ba$%()* won't do that, of course: too much work for him and really, who gives a damn about voter fraud?

So now, we're faced with a dichotomy: Reed, who sold out and continues to sell out vote integrity through his moronic motor voter plan, where my pet cocker spaniel could register given the complete lack of proof of identity required to pull it off... an act he supported to allegedly increase the number of voters in each election... now whines about votes coming in after the election... completely legal in this state as long as they are properly post-marked on election day.

Reed's solution?

Cut off any votes coming in after COB on election day.

So let me get this straight:

On one hand, Reed prostitutes our voting system by encouraging illegal and ineligible people to register and vote in the name of having voters; and on the other hand, he wants to change the rules in such a way that hundreds, if not thousands of votes won't count.


He's tried this stunt before... and it's been shot down in the Leg every time. But like the attack of political herpes he is, he keeps coming back, over and over... and let's remember precisely who will be the only ones to benefit from such an idiotic rule?

The elections office in Olympia that works for him, and a few of the larger counties that have to deal with this problem after election day.

Democrats love this because late votes typically break right, and that costs them elections. Under Reed's plan, that's over. But since there is precisely ZERO justification to disenfranchise late votes in his equally moronic all-mail system (something else he implemented because, well, it's easier on his office and, again, a few of the elections offices in the larger counties have to deal with it) hopefully, this "idea" (using the term loosely) will be properly crushed... again. And with equal hope; my guaranteed, never vote for him if he were the last GOP'er on earth vote will help toss him from office in 2012.

1 comment:

Martin Hash said...

Used to be a MAN had to own land before he could vote. Used to be a black man was only counted as 2/3of a white man. (This is still in the Constitution!) The whole idea that a person's vote doesn't count is counter to the concept of representative government. Whatever, whoever you are, your opinion matters! Yes, even illegal aliens.

I'm still judgmental enough that I don't like the idea of illegal aliens voting but the answer is to keep them OUT OF THE COUNTRY - once they're here (15-25 million of them!) and subject to our legal system, if they are NOT reprented by their vote then they WILL be represented by their gun.