Sunday, January 16, 2011

The fringe left blinders on Laird.

The local daily rag, unfortunately for the community, is primarily a leftist swindle sheet. Part of that persona is a result of the whack job running the editorial page.

He calls that effort non-partisan. Yet they fail to explain how their political endorsements are overwhelmingly leftist and how they absolutely savage those in the political realm who oppose their agenda or worldview... to the extent where they flay away at defenseless candidates and individuals who cannot reply in kind because they simply cannot match the size of the soapbox.

Brancaccio's efforts to silence me and to beat Brent Boger with his editorial club come to mind... although ultimately, that effort blew up in his face (as it should have) serve as examples of their craft.

And Laird's tripe this weekend was no exception.

Like most on the fringe left, introspection is as foreign a term to them as "cheeseburger, no pickle" in Sanskrit.

So, even though the garbage Laird spewed out in his column was discredited by overwhelming evidence that the shooter was, if anything, a leftist whack job with no ties to the right, Palin or the Tea Party, leave it to a scummy little worm like Laird to allege that kind of connection anyway.

Laird is incapable of thinking in terms that the left set the table with heir hatred and hate speech of Bush over the last 10 years. with this phrase from his sewer:
Did any of this adult hooliganism contribute to the Tucson tragedy? In his speech, Obama said “it did not.” Maybe he’s right.
He's allowing the possibility that the opposite is true: that with equal possibility, maybe the Empty Suit was wrong.

His efforts to excuse Obama's speech, addressed below, that was nothing more then a campaign rally, goes to that: his excuse was that it was a gym and 14,000 people attended... which, if that resulted in this pep rally for our resident anti-American bigot, should have been cancelled or held in a much smaller venue where the proper level of solemnity COULD have been sustained.

The purpose of this exercise was to memorialize the deaths and lives of 6 people. So, what Laird idiotically calls "only natural" was completely inappropriate and an insult to those who died at the hands of a leftist whack job.

For a lout like Laird, who has blasted everyone who opposes his positions in almost every imaginable way to suddenly trumpet the issue of civility is the height of rank hypocrisy. And for him to give his fellow leftists a complete pass, who have been spewing hatred at unprecedented levels for over a decade is a symptom of the fringe left disease he represents.

Laird has had ample opportunity to take his fellow leftists to task for hatred over the past several years. And what did we get from him on that subject?

Cricket chirps.

And that goes to the heart of the matter. The cancer that is the editorial policy of this rag is illustrated by Laird's deliberate bias and irresponsibility. Had he taken both sides to task... or had he taken his own side to task for their moronic positions spewed within minutes of the shooting... then he could be lauded for acting responsibly.

But he has proven himself incapable of taking even-handed positions over the years... so why expect him to do anything but pat his fellow fringers on the back for using this tragedy as a political club to beat those he happens to disagree with around the head and shoulder region now?

Disgusting. But oh so typical.

1 comment:

Lew said...

And who was it arrested and involuntarily committed for psychiatric evaluation just yesterday for spewing death threats?

None other than a known leftist activist from Tucson, one who was wounded the knee by the post smoking liberal shooter last Saturday.

J. Eric Fuller is his name and he is know for coming out of the hospital this week and going online to begin attacking the right and the Tea Party for what a mentally deficient liberal did to him Saturday.

And then, he engages in the very conduct he accused others of.

Laird seems to have missed that.