Monday, June 21, 2010

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt: ANOTHER democrat position?

We all know that Tim "the Liar" Leavitt was a scammer and a liar in the last election, falsely claiming that he opposed tolls on the bridge; he, of course, supports tolls; always has and has done nothing... and will DO nothing... to keep massive tolls from being implemented, just like his democrat buddy and campaign staffer Steve "Easy Money" Stuart... who is doing everything he can to nail 65,000 commuters with a $1300 or so yearly fee to go to work.

Now, The Liar wants to silence political dissent.

The details are in this article in the local rag. But suffice it to say: The Liar is sharing yet another in the long list of leftist philosophies (The Liar was, after all, an early endorser of Obama) that he kept so carefully hidden from the Republicans who got him elected: in this case, that the First Amendment is, in reality, the first suggestion.

1 comment:

  1. I went to the council meeting where this was last discussed and sent back for a re-write.

    I applaud the 4 who saw the danger to political free speech as written, but also must remind all that 3, Tim Leavitt, Jeanne Harris and Bart Hanson, up for re-election this year, had no problem with regulating free political speech.

    In fact, Harris seemed to have gotten angry at it being turned down as earlier written.

    And yes, I will make it a campaign issue against Hansen and the other two when they run again.


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