Sunday, June 20, 2010

John Laird is a Wienerville Whiner? Doesn't he have a mirror in his hovel?

Wienerville is the Planet of The Columbian, where morons with keyboards seem to believe they're imbued with the right to not only tell US how to live... but to coerce both us and government into meeting THEIR expectations... as if they are somehow superior to our own.

They're not.

Whoda thunk it? A moron who thinks when authority yells, we should just cave to whatever they want, what those of us who pay the bills want be damned.

I AM surprised that Laird would bitchslap Koenninger with this observation describing that spender of our money and trampler of our rights thusly:
Well, the dominant trait is worshipping the status quo, or maybe even the status
quo ante. If you are overly reminiscent, if you abhor change and believe our
best days are behind us, then you might be a Hound of Whinerville.
How many dozens of "back in the day" columns has Tommy the K subjected us to? How many reminiscing efforts have leapt off his keyboard? That's no particular reason, of the many reasons, to jump up in that moron's face and remind him how much harm he's caused this community and some of the people in it.

Why, using The Laird of Planet Wieinerville philosophy, we can just get rid of democracy altogether, instead of the situational employment so advocated by the cancer of our society.

Here's an example of this simpleton's babble that fits that bill completely:

Another characteristic is chronic disregard for established expertise. If you believe another guy’s education, training, certification and experience make him no smarter than you, then you might be a Hound of Whinerville.

Here. Let me translate:

If someone with a title or a bunch of letters after their names tells us to do something, well, by golly, we're retarded if we just don't do what we're told!

One of the many reasons to trash the rag and their efforts to ignore the will of the people is this kind of attitude.

Take, for example, the crock of cow crap they babble on about incessantly, AKA the unneeded and unwanted I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail project. Lying, utterly worthless polls, but a psychotic fear of putting this up to the only poll that matters.... a vote of the people.

Using unlimited amounts of OUR money to go out and find the millions-sucking consultants who agree with them and their perspective while simultaneously ignoring those who don't. Building a complete waste of money THEY won't have to pay for.

And that, of course, is what makes the babble off of Laird's keyboard criminally stupid:

Completely ignoring the other side.

In everything from a pre-ordained outcome study where many people, including me, knew months in advance that the only acceptable outcome to the Scum at the Planet of The Columbian would be the absolutely unnecessary replacement of the I-5 Bridge entirely to get loot rail into Vancouver while completely ignoring the many cheaper, much more viable alternatives; to supporting their position with lying, utterly worthless polls, this stain on journalism has done everything they can to burden this local area with an unnecessary, multi-billion dollar debt.

And the rank hypocrite leading the pack?

John Laird.

Here's just one example: Laird babbles about ignoring "another guy’s education, training, certification and experience."

In Wienerville, they have all been trained to "Respech mah authority!" Well, if THEY LIKE that authority.

Just yesterday, these morons attacked a Woodland city councilman for his fine effort to respect the law these clowns don't care about, when he ran a resolution supporting Arizona law HB 1070.

Exclusive of the fact this despicable rag lied about the impacts of this resolution, what else did they do?

Well, they ignored the "education, training, certification and experience" of the councilman in question.

So, what does that make these scum?

Taking it to the next level, the idiocy of The Columbian's positions in this regard, COMPLETELY ignores the "education, training, certification and experience" of those who examined this steaming, economy-killing crap pile and discovered it was a total waste of time and billions, but that scum like Laird felt that it was "better than nothing."

So, when LAIRD comes out and does the exact same thing he accuses other of doing... what does that make him?

I think we know the answer to that, don't we?

1 comment:

  1. David Standal11:43 PM

    The ignorance of the so-called highly educated is stunning... like I said to Councilman Fredericks on the street at the Woodland Planter's Day parade... "Good job, thank you." We need more like him in government.


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