Monday, June 21, 2010

CCP has filed a PDC complaint against Anthony Bittner

I freely admit that politics is a complicated game. Some, quite mistakenly, believe themselves to be good at it (See Jon Russell Watch for a good example) while others desire their 15 minutes of fame while actually completely lacking in anything approaching substance.

Anthony Bittner is just such a person.

Clark County Politics has filed a Public Disclosure Commission complaint against Anthony Bittner because Anthony has shown himself incapable of understanding the transparency aspect of the campaign finance system as embodied by the Public Disclosure Commission.

Anthony has yet to show up at any Republican campaign function. He has missed the 18th District PCO meeting, disrespecting GOP officials; he has missed every candidate forum. He has, in fact, missed every political function since he announced.

That, of course, is his privilege. But the filing of the necessary paperwork to show transparency in campaign finance isn't a suggestion.... it's the law. And Anthony Bittner, as of this writing, hasn't filed any of the required paperwork since April 27th.

And that's illegal. And that's why I filed the complaint against him.

I will be filing another complaint tomorrow against someone who should know better.

Much more to come.


  1. Anonymous7:39 PM

    way to pick on the little guy first

  2. So, your complaint with me is not that I was wrong, but the order of filing the complaints?


    Would you have felt better if I had filed them both at the same time?

    Would it have materially changed the outcome of the facts if I had filed the other complaint first?

    Do you know what planet you're on?

  3. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Yes, Yes, Yes, Maybe, Yes-Earth,

  4. Get over it. Not in this Dimension. Tough, file your own complaints. Only in an alternative universe. Not likely.

  5. David Standal8:56 AM

    Keep it up!

  6. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Could you post a link to a PDF version of the complaint. Thanks.

  7. Probably. But you'll get one soon enough.

  8. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Nothing that you just wrote made any sense.



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