Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why do CTrans and the Columbian insist on lying about Light Rail?

While it has been awhile since the Columbian ran one of their many fictional articles concerning what the people here want when it comes to the massive waste and corruption surrounding the unnecessary replacement of the I-5 Bridge so we can have loot rail stuffed down our throat, they apparently haven't forgotten how it's done.

There is, of course, only one way to determine what the people of Clark County want, and that is to ask us. Oddly, this cancer on our community has yet to begin pursuing that effort as they continue to beat the drum in their Goebbelian campaign to get this multi-billion dollar waste of our money built.

Their most recent embarrassment, "C-Tran survey suggests voter support for light rail" is not the exception that proves the rule.

There is, as you might expect, absolutely nothing in the study that suggests any such thing; the questions were utter nonsense, failing to address the costs or impacts of the $100,000,000 a year the people of Clark County will have to suffer every year to pay for the Columbian's pet project, failing to ask any in the opposition what their positions might be on their babble... all par for their course for the embarrassment to journalism that this paper represents.

Clearly, their financial bankruptcy did nothing to address their intellectual and ethical bankruptcy.

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