Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Is it time for Russell and Vick to withdraw in the 18th?

In reviewing the most recent PDC's for fundraising, we see the following numbers of note:

So, what we have here is Rivers having raised about $28,000 or so, Russell (who filed manually) at $4500 or so, and Brandon Vick at $2750 raised (The rest of the money showing is in-kind and loans.)
According to the records, Brandon Vick raised $300 in the month of April. Shannon Barnett's endorsement availed him nothing.
Russell, abortive Congressional candidate, raised $1524 for the month of April.
People, your horse is so dead that the corpse has walked away. Beating it any further... I dunno... just seems like an exercise in futility.
For your political futures, the one thing I would think you'd want to avoid is humiliation. But that's what it seems you're facing.
You can't win a campaign on $300 months. You can't. And you can't do much better on $1500 months, either.
But hey, that's the beauty of our system. So, if'n you're of a mind, knock yourselves out.

Just sayin'
Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

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