Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Craig Pridemore: Senator Slime.

Look, I admit it. I've got problems with Pridemore.

I've got problems with someone who would condemn a budget as being "balanced on the backs of the poor and the powerless," right before voting "yes" for that same budget.

I've got problems with someone who would pass a bill to gerrymander the CTrans district lines to exclude 10's of thousands of "no" votes on his loot rail tax increase.

I've got problems with someone ethically challenged enough to amend his own campaign finance bill to allow Steve "Easy Money" Stuart to keep 10's of thousands in campaign donations for his commissioner election.

I've got problems wit someone so out of touch that he told the people of the 3rd Congressional District, who voted in favor of I-960 to get stuffed when he voted to get rid of it.

Those things trouble me.

Pridemore has as much trouble raising money as he does being ethical. But this kind of crap is close to the top of the list of reasons why he's unfit for elective office:
Underdog Democrat Pridemore Says Polling Has Him Ahead of Party Rival Heck
But Pridemore, a liberal who supports a carbon fee to fight global warming, a constitutional amendment that says corporations do not have First Amendment rights, a single-payer health care system—and who marched against the Iraq War—says he has polling that shows he’s ahead of Heck.

“We have done one poll,” Pridemore says, “and we’re encouraged by the results. We are definitely ahead in name recognition, in votes, in favorability.”

Asked if we could see the poll, Pridemore was sheepish, saying he was going to get in trouble with his campaign for talking about it. He did say that it was a robopoll.
Now, you've got to be delusional to be a fringe leftist like Pridemore under any circumstances. He has absolutely zero chance of getting elected to Congress from this district: moronic positions on global warming like cap and swindle; pro socialist Obama care... No chance. None.

But to put out this crap?

Desperation. There is no such poll, save for that ruminating around Pridemore's head. The cutesy way he shilled it tells anyone that.

Senator Slime strikes again. Well done, CP.


  1. I bet he is being somewhat honest. Somewhat because who was polled was probably immediate family members and campaign staff ;-)

    Seriously, you're right. If he really had such a poll and it was legitimate, he'd be flashing the actual poll.

  2. tammie1:04 PM

    you are obviously a conservative hack who is against progressive ideas despite their merit. pridemore's record of voting for women, workers and the environment and working with the opposition when ever possible is what makes him eminently electible


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