Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In China, it's time to run background checks and put serial numbers... on knives.

I admit it, I carry a firearm. Got a conceal carry permit back in the death threat days when I was working on Legislative staff.

The fringe left, limousine liberal set; whose regulations and laws on concealed carry have led to such stellar outcomes as Columbine and Virginia Tech, are convinced that our problem is the prevalence of guns in our society.


Many here probably haven't noticed what's been happening in China over the past several week... but dozens of school children and a few teachers have been slaughtered by attackers killing them...

With knives.

The most recent attack?

Six children, teacher hacked to death in China school

(Reuters) - Six children and a teacher were hacked to death in an attack on a kindergarten in northwest China Wednesday, the latest in a string of assaults on children that has stoked public alarm about the government's grip on safety.

World China

At least 20 children were also wounded in the attack that happened at about eight in the morning in Nanzheng County, a rural corner of Shaanxi province, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

"The murderer has killed himself," Wu Xiaoyan, an official in Nanzheng, told Xinhua. It gave no other details.

Xinhua had earlier reported the seven dead were all children.

The attack, which follows a series of stabbings at Chinese schools and universities in recent years, is sure to stoke widespread public disquiet after five attacks on school children in the last few weeks.

Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao issued orders demanding action after the recent incidents, the country's top law-and-order official, Zhou Yongkang, told officials to beef up school security and police have vowed to identify people who could pose a threat to children


So... how will the Chinese address this problem?

Is it realistic to expect them to require permits to buy, carry, possess a knife? Will those carrying these deadly weapons have to take classes on knives? Will convicted felons be prohibited from owning, possessing or using a knife? Will there have to be a 72 hour waiting period? Will criminal back ground checks be required? Will the Chinese close the "Knife Show Loophole?"

People, it is not the weapon. It is the people who use the weapon. And if you were to get rid of every gun in this country, those bent on killing and maiming would find a way.

Just ask the Chinese.

1 comment:

  1. Working in the counseling field, I see on a day to day basis how the stress of what is happening in our lives is effecting the population. Last fall the stress level ramped up across the board and it continues to rise. These kinds of things are just the symptoms of a much larger problem in our society. We have to find ways to solve our problems instead of just fighting about them. The daily radio talk show menu is full of the battle of words, doom and gloom on both sides and neither side seems to understand what they are doing to the populous in the middle of all that. People around the world are scared and rightfully so. All our leaders seem to be doing is fighting with each other. You don't get anywhere when there is a win/lose mentality because as it states, someone is a loser and nobody wants to be that. Come on people, we are better than this!


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