Monday, May 10, 2010

The epilogue of Luke Jensen: Steve Jensen's father died this morning.

This came from the "Support for the Jensen Family" facebook page.
Shannon Smith Dow May 10 at 11:08am
Steve's dad, Paul passed away. The amazing thing is that even in this the family is able to see God's provision. As I said in the earlier request, Paul lived in Texas and his health had already been an issue. Because Paul was here for the family after Luke's passing...he was with his family for his. The family...Steve and his sisters were all together with their dad at the hospital. Had Paul been in Texas his children would have not been together and with him.

Please continue to pray. Pray not only for the the Steve Jensen family....but for the extended Jensen family that has suffered another great loss.
There is just something horrifically wrong about all of this. I simply cannot find the words to even begin to describe it.

I just... can't find them.

1 comment:

  1. Like you, I am speechless. How much pain for one family in such a short time.

    I can only offer my sincerest sympathies and condolences.


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