Monday, May 10, 2010

The sheer, unadulterated idiocy of unions: Vancouver steel workers strike? Are you KIDDING me?

Imagine having a full time job. Imagine having that full time job in a county with almost 15% unemployment (closer to 22% in real terms) and then, imagine a group of morons who go on strike in the midst of a horrific recession... and that's what you've got here.

I can't speak for the folks who own this mill.... but I would shut it down before I would give into their demands.

These morons turned down a pay raise because there were benefit cuts.

One has to wonder: if they lose their jobs altogether, how would THOSE benefit cuts look?

I sincerely hope that this company hires strike breakers immediately. These people obviously lack the common sense of a board fence and are to dangerous to have around heavy equipment.

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