Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Major in juvenile delinqincy at the University of Oregon

I've had a thing or two to say about Duckville, which resembles nothing so much as the football team at the juvenile camp immortalized in "Gridiron Gang."

Well, there are a few differences.

Like the fact that the coaching staff in the movie was more motivated by the positive effects of individual hard work, football teamwork and sacrifice for the greater good than the "winning at any price" crock that is Oregon football.

How many arrests this year? How many crimes? These, of course, are just the issues we know about. There's no telling how much has been swept under the rug... or where the pay offs have gone.

Well, it's frequently said that the fish rots from the head down.

Mike Belloti is an Oregon sports icon. I believe he's failed the school and failed his athletes by not stepping in as athletic director and taking the approrpiate steps to deal with the criminal element of the football team.

And then, to accept a $2.3 million dollar goodbye gift... almost like something from the hearts and flowers fund, is unimaginable in scope and justification.

There is no excuse for paying Bellloti this money. None. And that, as the administration of the school tells us, the money is private-sourced instead of from the taxpayers neither excuses the expenditure nor provides any justification.

But then, the criminal acts of players from Blount on down to Masoli has proven it to be next to impossible to be held properly accountable for their acts in the form of getting kicked off the team and out of school.

Why would anyone expect accountability for this buffoonery? Belotti's ability as a coach cannot be denied. As a judge of character... well, my spaniel does a much better job.

The stench of the Ducks football team will waft over the Pac 10 for years to come.

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