Thursday, April 08, 2010

Lew Waters: Whisper Campaign Against David Castillo Continues (Link fixed)

Lew nails it far better than I. The cult-like following, unjustified by talent, accomplishment, capability, vision or grasp of the issues surrounding Jaime Herrera remains the biggest political mystery of my professional life.

There's no there, there. And otherwise sane people have lost their collective minds over this girl for reasons that quite simply escape me.

Please read Lew's take on this if you haven't already. It's a sad commentary on a segment of political support that is shameful in every respect.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

1 comment:

  1. To me, the saddest thing about this "rumor mill" is that legitimate questions on one are ignored, hidden, scoffed at and remain unanswered.

    The other is slandered with baseless charges of unknown origin and issues are forgotten and not discussed.

    And people wonder why we have such a screwed up government and elected officials no longer answer to us.


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