Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The stupidity of threats against elected officials, (Death threat against Murray.)

It takes a full-blown idiot to threaten to harm an elected (or any other, for that matter) official because you might disagree with their vote or their position.

We have precisely one place and one place only where we can acceptably "attack" someone duly elected by the people of this country, and that's at the ballot box.

God knows that I can't stand that woman's politics. But nothing she has done is worthy of death threats (or any kind of threat, come to think of it) in return. Don't like her positions? Then this November, use the opportunity our Constitution provides and vote her butt out.

But no threats. No violence.

I have sworn an oath to protect this Nation and the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Threaten any elected official, and that makes you a domestic enemy of mine and millions of others.

Our situation sucks. But threatening, assaulting, burning, shooting, or any other injury by those who see their way as the ONLY way will just make it worse.

Correcting the course of the ship of state cannot and will not be done through violence. The Constitution is the thing, you see, and while I understand that many out there believe our president and our federal government use it as some variation of toilet paper, that does NOT excuse the use of violence as a part of your disagreement with those policies.

Let's pull our hotels out of our alphas people... and knock this stuff off.

1 comment:

  1. Here, here! Express your anger, dissent and preference at the ballot box in November. Vote out every one of the people you so vehemently disagree with...that's the way to handle it!


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No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
