Saturday, March 06, 2010

The Schimmel slimeball defense ain't gonna cut it.

In response to my demand that Gary Schimmel, Cowlitz County GOP Chair resign due to his blatant favoritism and lack of ethics, some moron stopped by and deposited this burning bag of crap on my blog doorstep:
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I thought Gary did them a favor because the facts were as follows:
That of course, is your first problem. You know... that you believe yourself capable of thought. Your second is what you so wrongly believe to be "facts."
Ann reported $20,000 raised in the release.

Their report to the PDC was 18,000+ of which $4,000 was put in by the candidate.
This is the next in your moronic observations.

In your eagerness to show how clever you, whoever you are, believe yourself to be; you failed to note one tiny fact:

The report to the PDC, for whatever the reason, has not shown as updated.

So, idiot stick, here's the last reporting date showing for ALL of the candidates in the 18th.

1. Barnett - Last shown donation: 1/30 (And as a brief aside, Barnett directly or indirectly donated almost half of the total amount he declares, or $1730 pathetic dollars out of $4080)

2. Carson - No detailed report available (Invoked $5000 Rule)

3. Kampe - Last shown donation 2/19

4. Rivers - Last shown donation 2/18

5. Vick - No donations showing

In other words:

a. The $20,000 figure was achieved after the last report showing on the PDC. That the numbers have not been visibly updated... FOR ANYONE... does not mean the amount hasn't been raised.

b. Even removing the $4000 loan, Rivers raised 4 times as much as Barnett.

c. NO ONE has been able to visibly update their figures in the 18th since at least the 19th of February. Nor has either challenge candidate in the 17th, and both show their last report on January 29.

Now, I get why Barnett doesn't show any donations for the entire month of February. After all, who would give a loser any money?

But that doesn't explain why neither of the challenge candidates in the 17th show any donations for February, or why no candidate shows any donations in either the 17th or 18th since February 19.

In short, the "$18,000 +" figure was accurate as of the 19th of February. Just like the $20,000 figure was accurate as of the day of the press release.

Your inability to figure all this out is rather meaningless, and, of course, provides Schimmel with precisely zero defense of his deliberate and inexcusably unethical conduct as a county party chair, engaging in Nazi-like censorship to support his "right" candidate.
Thus the amount raised was $14,000+.
Uh...... no.

The amount raised was $20,000 plus. That you disagree with that figure is meaningless.

Look, I get that your guy's fundraising is pathetic. But then, the fundraising tends to reflect on the candidate.

You can jump up and down until you turn green, if you like, but the number speaks for itself.
In the same period of Barnett getting in the race he out raised her by 6700+ to 6000+.
Yet, using your own bizarre "reasoning," Barnett ONLY reports a TOTAL of $4080 since he started. Yet you make some bizarre and false claim while you babble about a clearly mythical $6700?

Whoever you are, avoidance of hypocrisy demands that if you're going to apply one standard to someone you oppose... you must apply the same standard to that who you support.

Because, in addition to being a liar, you certainly wouldn't want to be a hypocrite as well.... would you?

Clearly, to support this guy is to be a delusional clown.

Here. Let me draw a picture for you.

In addition, she only had reported 600+ in expenses. Doesn't seem right...
Like your proof that figures don't lie, but you figure?

Here's one you can try out:

Our local cardboard cutout of a state representative, Ridgefield Barbie, reports that she has raised, according to the FEC, $55,750. Never mind that the vast majority of that came from 8 contributors set up by Slade and McMorris.

Herrera is showing precisely ZERO in expenses.

Nada. Zip.

Here's THAT picture if it'll help:

Clearly, you have no fricking clue. What doesn't "seem right" is your lame-assed attempt to defend someone violating the tenets of his position because he doesn't give a damn about the duties of his office... he only cares about getting his boy elected, abuse of authority be damned.
They should send Gary a thank you note for not sending it out and embarrassing them.
The only one "embarrassing" themselves here is you.

Gary has acknowledged that the only reason he failed to send the note out was his support of Barnett. And for that, he ought to be ashamed of himself.
Funny that as the mouth piece for Rivers you were not aware of the "mistake" in the press release....
Funny that as a mouthpiece for Barnett, you have to make crap up while you babble about things you know absolutely nothing about.

Not funny haha, you understand... but funny queer.

Schimmel is a political, Boss Hogg-style disgrace. If he can't do his job, then he needs to resign so someone who can will be appointed in his place.

Juvenile, amateurish crap like this, also from someone named "Gary," changes nothing. And neither does your monumental ignorance.

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