Friday, March 26, 2010

The lie and the truth of the latest Herrera fund raiser invite.

This is a cut from the most recent swindle sheet Herrera has sent out to vacuum up the cash for her run for Congress.

Part of it is right on.... the part where it says she "will bring a rare combination of experience and energy to the U.S. Congress..."

And thank God for that.

Her complete lack of any appreciable experience either in Congress or as a legislator speaks for itself, as does her support of SEIU bills and emptying the state reserve to help democrats rip us off for their massive spending bills here in Washington State.

The lie part?

Once again, Herrera lies about her position as a low-level staffer effectively pouring coffee for McMorris.

As an "elected legislator," she has accomplished absolutely nothing except to help the fringe leftists spend our money.

And people support her.

And people will give her money.

And that makes no sense at all.

Cross posted on Jaime Herrera Watch.

1 comment:

  1. "a rare combination of experience and energy?"

    Her excuse to Victoria Taft on voting to drain the rainy day fund, besides pointing out that several others did too, was that she did so so the Dems wouldn't revert to raising taxes.

    And what do we read today?

    Wash. Democratic lawmakers look at new tax options

    Thanks, Jaime. We lose the rainy day fund and are still facing new taxes.


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