Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The question is asked: How do I compare Pagan with Hutchinson?

Got this anon comment, and though I'm not a huge fan of anon comments, I saw it worthy of a response:
How how do you compare Lisa Pagan with Alexis Hutchinson? You claim that Lisa Pagan is a coward who refused her duty...fair enough but please then tell me what are the excuses for the 7,500 who were granted deferments? Can someone tell me what the Army standard is used to grant them? If Lisa Pagan is a coward then so are the other 7,500 individuals. She served, she was honorably discharged, and she fought and won a deferment just like 7,500 other individuals. Alexis Hutchinson on the other hand is active duty, she needs to be court-martial, and then kicked out to maintain discipline.

(Anonymous) 1:27 PM
Simple, really. They both attempted to use their children as a scam to avoid doing their duty, a duty we paid them for, paid to train them for, and would expend tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars directly to them as a result of their enlistments in the resulting benefits.

Pagan read the tea leaves and thought she could get away with screwing the Army and whoever it was that had to take her place. She guessed right because my Army is the same Army that led to scum like Major Hasan.

Pagan should have been court-martialed, sent to prison and given a dishonorable.

Hutchinson is in the same boat, but her convening authority seemed to have found a pair of testicles somewhere and remembered that the patch says "US Army."

I cannot speak to the "7500" others who got out of going. I am not going to say that there are never legitimate reasons to avoid deployment.

What I AM going to say is that NEITHER Pagan NOR Hutchinson HAVE ANY legitimate reason to avoid going.
She (Pagan) served, she was honorably discharged, and she fought and won a deferment just like 7,500 other individuals.
Uh.... no. Revisionist history doesn't work here.

Pagan deliberately had children ENTIRELY to avoid redeployment. And when she came out on orders, she REFUSED to do her duty, and had NO other reason to avoid deployment, save her husband didn't feel like taking care of the kids she had to AVOID deployment in the first place.

Why the Army caved to this woman is a mystery to me.

That they are NOT caving to Hutchinson is the thing.

To the anon poster, the issue of "getting a deferment" is settled BEFORE you show up for deployment.

If it ISN'T (and in neither case was that issue settled before they were to show up for deployment) then you GO.

The "7500" who didn't go MAY have had damned good reasons for it, and then went through proper channels and followed the rules to get their deferments.

Neither Pagan OR Hutchinson had the reasons or went through the process. And that makes Pagan a cowardly deserter who failed to keep her word and who had no problem screwing some other poor schlep who had to take HER place because she didn't FEEL like DOING HER DUTY.

And the same can be said about Hutchinson.

Since you asked.

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