Saturday, January 09, 2010

Another day, another Columbian bridge puff piece.

Recently, it became fairly clear that when it comes to the I-5 Bridge rip off/loot rail replacement, two groups of people fail to understand the issue with Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

The first surprised me. The second has me wondering at the motives for that failure.

The first? Local GOP'ers who supported The Liar's campaign.

Reviewing the bidding; we find that Leavitt's campaign was run by democrats including the democrat county chair, democrat county commissioner Steve "Owned and operated by David Barnett" Stuart, democrat former county commissioner Betty Sue Morris, and democrat operative Heather Melton.

And then, of course, we re-iterate what was already known: The Liar does not, and never did, oppose tolling. He merely manufactured an issue out of whole cloth to seperate himself from Pollard; and he developed this bogus tolling issue as the vehicle to do that.

Then we find out that secret negotiations between Leavitt, "Easy Money" Stuart and Sam "If you're under 18 in Portland, you can have an" Adams have taken place to reduce the size of the bridge even more... to 3 through lanes and one loot rail lane each way, period (the babbling supporters continuing lies about 6 lanes going both ways notwithstanding; there was never more then 6 through lines on the bridge proposal, just like the 6 lanes we have, well, right now)

The issue that surprised me the most on the issue of support is that the GOP'ers would be so badly taken in and hosed by The Liar.

The second here is that our local fishwrapper, hypocritically rabid bridger/looters who won't, like most bridger/looters, have to pay for the project that will blow a $100,000,000 yearly hole in our local economy seems unable to grasp the fact that Leavitt does, in fact, support tolling; always has and always will.

When a clown like Leavitt SAYS he opposes tolls but then won't oppose the bridge when tolls are required because that lying moron isn't an "obstructionist," well, that makes both him AND his so-called "opposition" worthless.

Democrats who want to ram the project down our throats ran Leavitt's campaign. Is there anyone out there who can't make the connection?

Now, there is no doubt that the people of Clark County don't want this thing. It's a massive and unneeded waste of money that anyone paying attention to would see in a minute. Thanks to Deb Wallace and Craig Pridemore, we've wasted $100,000,000 on studies with pre-ordained outcomes (It was never in doubt that the only acceptable option to the Downtown Mafia was replacing the I-5 Bridge and bringing loot rail in using the new bridge... in fact, loot rail was the only real reason to replace the bridge from the start)

And the powers that be, including our massive waste of wood pulp known as a "paper," would rather dive into a boiling vat of hydrochloric acid then do what ethics and morality require (if not the law) and put this massive waste of money to a vote.

This project engages in massive over-promising and under-delivering and it would sentence 65,000 current commuters to paying, in addition to Oregon income tax, a $1300 per year fee just to go to work.

So, we have Kulongoski appointing yet another captain to our particular Titanic.

Well done. But then, I guess he needs someone to blame it on as well, right?

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