Saturday, January 09, 2010

The genetic racism of the left revealed: Sen. Reid (Communist - NV) on Obama.

I, for one, don't give a damn what color the empty suited, hypocritical, lying anti-American racist bigot in the White House happens to be.

My contempt and disdain for that moron is based on one thing and one thing only: his incompetent policies.

The total view of the president is somewhat stilted by the racists infesting his own party, however and on those reporting on it.

In this instance, the slimeball running the Senate, one soon-to-be-former Sen. Harry Reid from Nevada laid out HIS "clean black man" moment thus:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada described in private then-Sen. Barack Obama as "light skinned" and "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one." Obama is the nation's first African-American president.
To reiterate, I wouldn't give a rip if the clown running the show was a one-eyed, hunchbacked Turk from Stuttgart. Where the man has been such a criminally abysmal failure had been in his lies, his hypocrisy, his vision and his policies.

Senator Reid, however, takes a different view. Given that Obama has been playing the race card for the entirety of his life, a partially accurate assessment (The dialect thing, for sure) makes it difficult to ferret out who, exactly, is being the bigger racist: Reid, with his white bread tolerance for minorities, or Obama, who, in fact, DOES turn that nonsensical accent/dialect on and off like a switch.

Since Obama has been nothing but a fraud in the entirety of the time he's been in elective office, it's difficult to determine, precisely.

Reid, of course, should resign immediately, and give some other democrat a chance to finish out his term, since he's got a much better chance of being struck by lightening than he does winning re-election.

But then, given that the entirety of Obama's tenure has been the same; a total and complete fraud and lie, Obama should resign as well.

Bur Reid won't, of course. Bigotry when practiced by the left is perfectly acceptable in the world of the democrat. Should we expect anything different from the party of Grand Dragon of the KKK, Sen. Robert Byrd?

While this easily surpasses Sen. Allen's "Macaca Moment" that leftists just FLAYED him over, we should expect a resounding silence from the fringe left.

Because the rank hypocrisy and self delusion required to BE a leftist won't allow anything else.

It is also of note that in this story, Associated Press describes Obama this way:
Obama is the nation's first African-American president.
Odd, isn't it, that AP is all about telling us how black the man is, while failing to be accurate enough to mention that he is, in fact, only 1/2 "African-American."

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