Sunday, January 10, 2010

Feinstein's revisionist history: The genetic racism of the left revealed: Sen. Reid (Communist - NV) on Obama.

Many thanks to Sen. Harry Reid (Racist Party - NV) for dropping the mask and telling us how he really felt. The only thing he didn't do was reach out and pat Obama on the head and tell him he's a "good boy."

And additional thanks to Sen. Diane Feinstein (Communist Hypocrite - CA) for stoking the fire through the wonders of revisionist history.

Funny thing, the internet. Those who tolerate racism when it suits them; in this case, Reid's Racism (almost sounds like a book title) having so roundly condemned it when those they oppose may have engaged in the practice, can't seem to grasp the implications of making statements like those below.

So, thanks to This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here we have these snippets... these fine examples of the endemic hypocrisy of the democrat party leadership of our government... and government at every level.

Feinstein out of her mind, or a liar

She just said on Face the Nation (in defense of Reid) that when Lott got in trouble, she knows of no Democrats who jumped on him for that.

How about any of these folks?

Pelosi: He can apologize all he wants. It doesn’t remove the sentiment that escaped his mouth that day.

Daschle: Regardless of how [Lott] intended his statement to be interpreted, it was wrong to say, and I strongly disagree with it.

When Daschle’s comments weren’t hard-hitting enough….

Some Democrats, meanwhile, criticized fellow party members who had declined to denounce Lott earlier. Noting that Senate Majority Leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) last week said he accepted Lott’s private explanation that he wasn’t praising racial segregation, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said yesterday: “The Democratic leadership must show its African American constituents that they really do care. . . . And I think Daschle didn’t do that.”

Yeah, no one jumped him on it at all.

Certainly not Obama.

“The Republican Party itself has to drive out Trent Lott. If they have to stand for something, they have to stand up and say this is not the person we want representing our party.”

Ah shit.

Integrity, it’s what’s for dinner lunch breakfast snack the trashbin.

So, where's the rage, you left wing ragers?

Where's the demands for Reid's resignation? Where's Sharpton's press conferences, Jessie Jackson's howls of outrage?

Racism is bad enough. But when blacks support it?

How twisted is that?

1 comment:

  1. Coming out of the British Press, B.J. Clinton allegedly told Ted Kennedy about Obama: 'A few years ago he would have been getting us coffee'

    Patiently waiting for any expressed outrage from the left, as we see if a conservative had asaid anything like that.


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