Friday, October 16, 2009

Who do I-1033 opponents have to lie so much and terrify people into voting against this?

As I anticipated, our despicable rag of a paper is going into a full-court press to aid their fellow fringe leftists and to make sure they can scam additional taxbreaks from their democrat masters in the legislature.

These scum have printed ANOTHER article full of lies from government union hacks who want nothing to stand in the way of their continued pay and benefit raises... and there's nothing these scumbags won't say... no lie they won't spew, to get those the most gullible to believe their garbage.

Case in point?
"The passage of 1033 would result in at least one closure of a fire station," said Mark Johnston, president of the Vancouver Firefighters Union. "People are going to die needlessly, their houses are going to burn down."
That any paper would print such slime is the issue at hand. This disgusting display is the kind of puke that Tim "The Liar" Leavitt barfs up on a daily basis. Why a union scumbag would think that lying to the people by trying to frighten them into voting against something is simply beyond comprehension.

And, of course, the Columbian engages in their usual lies by calling these union trough sucking scum a "diverse group."

Since they were ALL union... and since they are ALL paid from tax payer dollars... there is precisely ZERO "diversity."

But then, these lying assholes know that. For them, it's all about their agenda.

And for these scum to say that the measure "intentionally misleads the voters" in the face of THEIR campaign of lies, exaggerations and misleading is the kind of rank hypocrisy this paper and those they support are known for.

Without 1033 in place, these scum will engage in massive tax increases. When combined with the massive tax increases the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot in the White House these scum 4endorsed.... well, pretty soon, we're talking about paying a LOT more in taxes, and in a hurry.

That these scum have to lie about this is the thing.

They WANT the current system of ripping off those who actually go to work or own a business so they can take our hard earned money away from US and give it to their democrat supporters.

That these scum WANT this kind of system is illustrated by their failure to offer any alternative. It's illustrated by their despicable lies as a campaign tactics. It's shown by their deliberate failure to EVER mention that this measure DOES allow for growth, and it DOES allow us to vote to exceed the caps this measure requires.

Why do they always fail to mention that? Why are the leftist scum in charge of our government and government unions SO terrified of the will of the people?

Why do they ALWAYS ignore the will of the people aspect... or the fact that the legislature can change this initiative on the first day of session if they so choose.

They go so far as to dell us that we're going to DIE if this things passes.

What kind of lowlife scum are these that would use false fear as a reason to terrify people into supporting THEIR position?


  1. You're an angry person.

    While you set up all of the Columbian's statements, all you do is angrily shout obscenities about them. I have yet to see you offer up any sort of contrary evidence to the claims they make or the things they say.

    The post is littered with ad hominems and petty insults, and reeks of jingoistic tendencies.

    Playing the devil's advocate does not mean playing the devil.

  2. "Angry?"

    I'm WAY beyond "Angry." I can't even begin to describe the fury I have towards both my government and their lackeys like the Columbian.

    I've written about my take on the issue, where I explain my position on the why of why I write the way I do. You may certainly feel free to disagree; that, of course, being one of the more amazing aspects of our system of free expression... and certainly you wouldn't deny me that right merely because you disagree with how I utilize it, would you?

    Yes, I'm way beyond "angry." These people are screwing with MY life. And they're doing it with impunity.

    It angers me when people screw around with my life and the lives of my family. Much like it angers me when people swing around blog and lie.

    For example, you state that I "...have yet.. to offer up any sort of contrary evidence to the claims they make or the things they say."

    When someone engages in such obvious falsehood, how am I SUPPOSED to react to that?

    Just say, "Oh golly gosh gee whiz shucky darn" and let it go at that?

    The Columbian has YET to discuss 1033 in terms of what we, the taxpayers, would SAVE. It's all about what this will "cost government."

    Well, who the hell is "government" SUPPOSED to work for?

    When this despicable rag writes about how much this is supposed to "cost" the city, the state, schools, various programs... why do they NEVER write about it in terms of how much the taxpayers will save?

    Why is it that they NEVER emphasize that first, the legislature can get rid of this thing as fast as we voted it in if they have the will or the courage? Why isn't it that they rarely, if ever, write about the fact that 1033 DOES allow for increased budgets based on increased population growth and inflation? Why is it that they don't hold these same whining and sniveling government workers accountable by asking them: "Gee... you DO know that under this initiative, if you people need more money, you can always ASK for it, right?"

    But they have yet to do that, They just allow the local "no" campaign unfettered access without asking the tough questions... questions like this: "OK, Mr. Firefighter falsely claiming that people will DIE if 1033 passes... what's your alternative?"

    Clearly, in this instance, that you have yet to see any evidence to the contrary on my blog results from a deliberate effort to ignore it when it's right in front of your face.

    That, of course, as I said, is your privilege. But this newspaper has earned my disrespect a thousand times over. And just remember, as YOU play the devils advocate, that doesn't mean YOU have to play completely ignorant, either.

    Thank you so much for swinging by to attack me while you ignore the facts. Feel free to do so any time.

  3. "You may certainly feel free to disagree; that, of course, being one of the more amazing aspects of our system of free expression... and certainly you wouldn't deny me that right merely because you disagree with how I utilize it, would you?"

    And yet, you seem to spend the better part of a day bitching about the Columbian for the exact same things. Watch the hypocrisies.

    If you want to know how much the I-1033 will save you, there are other sources to turn to (including the text of the initiative itself).

    Additionally, I'm not here to attack you; I'm attempting to get you to reflect on your writings, and maybe you can look a little less insane or destructively angry.

    Believe me, I understand completely that you're mad. You have every right to be, and I'm not telling you not to be. You seem to have the facts and the motivation, but are blinded by a sense of unidirectional anger at a seemingly-partisan newspaper.

    I'm just saying be more rational instead of blindly pissed off.

  4. “And yet, you seem to spend the better part of a day bitching about the Columbian for the exact same things. Watch the hypocrisies.”

    I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that what you are referring to is my railing against the Columbian for their bias, lies, distortion, exaggeration and overall lack of fairness, combined with the lack of any pretense of journalistic integrity?

    I nail the Columbian because their JOB is to tell the truth. Their JOB is to be fair. Their JOB is to have integrity and too keep their biases out of their writing. And THESE scum got a HUGE B&O tax break when the rest of business was ignored in the midst of a $10 BILLION budget deficit here in this state. Now why is that? The democrat-controlled government of this state paying off their chief supporters, support all provided under the guise of fairness, truth and integrity?

    They GOT that break because of an alleged role in our community… a role they don’t even pay lip service to.

    There are 2 ways to express displeasure at the fact that THEIR tax cut means that *I* am subsidizing THEIR tax burden… one: don’t buy their despicable rag and two, let them know in an unmistakable way when they are screwing us.

    There is precisely ZERO hypocrisy in criticizing a publically subsidized company that never misses the opportunity to remind us of the “special” place they have in our community, but which seems to have forgotten all about the definition of journalism; changing it instead into the definition of manipulation, of personal agendas, and ignoring the community which they serve.

    They TELL us they are fair, unbiased, unsullied by political favoritism… and they are LYING.

    And I’m calling them on it.

    If they told the truth; if they presented these perspectives honestly with equal consideration for BOTH sides, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. But to present OPINION as NEWS without presenting BALANCE?

    Screw that.

    “If you want to know how much the I-1033 will save you, there are other sources to turn to (including the text of the initiative itself).”

    Like there are for those whining and sniveling about it in this newspaper? Publishing what amounts to mailers for the “No on 1033” side… not unlike “in kind contributions?”

    Clearly, you revel in your double standard. Me?

    Not so much.

    You see, as a newspaper reader, I shouldn’t HAVE to ponder which articles, or which parts of articles are lies, and which are true.

    It should ALL be true. It should ALL be fair. And for this waste of pulp to focus on what it’s going to cost GOVERNMENT without even MENTIONING the fact that the Leg can overturn this or that they can always ASK us if we want to spend more money means that EVERY time another scumbag gets up there and says people will DIE if this thing passes, he’s fricking lying and so’s the despicable rag printing it.

    “Additionally, I'm not here to attack you; I'm attempting to get you to reflect on your writings, and maybe you can look a little less insane or destructively angry.”

    So, Ash… what say I swing by YOUR house and tell you how and what to eat… and when? I think your diet sucks.

    I have a simple rule here on my blog… No one makes you come here. You don’t like what I write?

    Don’t read it.

    Like I wrote before, these people are screwing with MY life. My blog is the ONLY way I have to fight back. And writing term papers of discontent ain’t gonna get it done.

  5. “Believe me, I understand completely that you're mad. You have every right to be, and I'm not telling you not to be. You seem to have the facts and the motivation, but are blinded by a sense of unidirectional anger at a seemingly-partisan newspaper.”


    What I have is FURY at a CANCER in our community that, if successful, will cost us BILLIONS for a bridge and loot rail THEY won’t have to pay for.

    What I have is RAGE at a tumor on the framework of this community that COULD actually do some good by showing integrity and character.

    I don’t HAVE to agree with all of their positions. But when you, for example, say, “seemingly partisan” and I point out that this paper in EVERY SINGLE OPEN SEAT in the last election, from president on down, ONLY ENDORSED DEMOCRATS AND NOTHING BUT DEMOCRATS… how does that qualify as “seemingly partisan?” That’s right up there with saying that, at midnight, it’s “seemingly dark.”

    And when they continue to lie, exaggerate and distort on a bridge that will cost ME as much as $1300 MORE per year to go to work in Portland while THEY won’t have to pay it; you’re DAMN RIGHT I’M ANGRY.

    These people supported Vancouver’s efforts to sue the citizenry into silence over downtown redevelopment… And they did that TWICE. I didn’t wear a uniform for 14 years for THAT.

    This isn’t a beanbag toss. These people are going to HURT me and 65,000 others and they’re not even going to ASK us first… and THEY won’t have to pay.

    “I'm just saying be more rational instead of blindly pissed off.”

    Others have been and are “more rational.” And what has that gotten them around here?


    I worked too hard, wore the uniform too long, bled too much, lost too many years off of the other end of my life to let you or anyone else tell me how, when, on what or in what manner to write.

    When government, or those like this newspaper acting under the cloak of government screw around with me, I will just be damned if I will “go quietly into that dark night.”

    I will, as they say, “Rage against the dying of the light.”

    Because SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE has to stand up to this abuse… this tyranny. And that someone seems to be me.

    Thanks for stopping by, Ash. But if it’s too intense, or too “blindly pissed off,” then don’t read it.


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