Thursday, October 15, 2009

Today's Pro-R 71 editorial confused me: Why would the Columbian support legalized discrimination?

I admit it: the Columbian managed to thoroughly confuse me today when they endorsed the pro-discrimination referendum pandered by the homosexual lobby and other fringe left publications.
It wasn't that long ago that I've forgotten it. The morons in the Columbian whined and snivelled like cut cats over I-200, the anti-Affirmative Action initiative that passed a few years back.

The only problem is that absolutely NONE of the fall out the Columbian claimed WOULD happen, DID.

That's right.... NONE.

Oddly enough. my son, who is a minority, had no difficulty entering the University of Washington long AFTER I-200 passed; and he had no difficulty graduating with honors.

Why the Columbian felt he WOULD have a problem with either of those things is a mystery to me.

So, when the Columbian tells us nonsense like "'...if you approve of fairness and equality for domestic partners, vote 'Approve,'" without spending one word on the built-in discrimination against everyone not homosexual but younger then 62, one should object.

As I have pointed out, EVERY homosexual male or female has EVERY right I have.

Like me, they can feel free to marry anyone they like... as long as that person is of the opposite gender and otherwise qualified. That this frequently despicable stain on journalism chooses to equate giving people something they WANT as a "right," then where does it end.... or does it?

We all know the slippery slope argument. We all know that this rag's efforts to disassociate this with their ultimate goal of homosexual marriage is disingenuous at best; this rag is a fringe-leftist publication and the vast majority of the fringe-leftist nutbergers WANT gay marriage instituted: and this rag wants gay marriage as well.

This is the favorite tactic of the left. It's the "camel's nose under the tent flap" approach so favored by the fringe left.... and it's another stepping stone to gay marriage, which, when it's rammed down our throats will be done so to the strains of this despicable rag's support.

Like our local Cowardman, Brian Baird, who claims he's not sure how he's going to vote on socialized medicine, I'm still not sure how I'm going to vote on this. But this paper's support of this, like their support of almost every tax increase and their opposition to almost every effort to rein in wasteful spending makes it that much more difficult for me to support R 71.

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