Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt's emails: no lie he won't tell.

I get the buzz every now and then from people asking me why, after hammering Pollard like a nail, I'm now blowing enough political holes into Tim "The Liar" Leavitt that he can't even drink without leaking.

Well, it's simple. Tim Leavitt is a liar. His campaign started with a cynical ploy to get an endorsement from the, relatively speaking, 15 or so voting hispanics in Clark County, and he illegally used his position as a city councilman to get that endorsement.

That did it for me.

I frequently disagree with Royce Pollard. But on policy, there's essentially no difference between the two candidates.

They both want the I-5 Bridge replaced; they both want light rail, and they both know tolls will be required to get it.

Tim "The Liar" knows this as well. So what's he doing to separate himself from being in lock step with Pollard?

He's lying about his position on tolls.

As I have frequently shown, Leavitt supports tolls; he knows tolls are required; he knows this bridge won't be replaced without tolls, and he will not oppose the bridge when tolls are required.

Of course, if he REALLY opposed tolls, he would tie his support of the bridge to that issue.

But he doesn't, because he clownishly tells us he doesn't want to be an "obstructionist."

It's not surprising that this little worm has confused principled opposition, supported by the facts, with being an "obstructionist."

Leavitt and his handlers, including Steve "Show me the $100,000, Mr. Barnett" Stuart, have signed on to the edicts of nazi propaganda minister Joesef Goebbels, that if you tell a lie long enough, loud enough and often enough, the more ignorant and uninformed will gradually accept it as truth.

All of his other lies notwithstanding, his latest whiny, sniveling, despicable effort involves an email the moron running his campaign sent out; where, once again, he refuses to take responsibility for HIS screw ups, and then includes the following blatant lie about Pollard:
Royce Pollard, as the candidate, has the power and ability to stop this negative campaigning. Even those attacks that are coming from independent organizations -- he has the ability to stop them and he is choosing not to.

See, this why I don't want The Liar anywhere in government.


That's why I support Pollard.

I oppose many of Pollard's policies. but unlike The Liar, Pollard is HONEST about his positions, where the sniveling little punk running against him is one of THE most lying scumbags I have EVER seen.

So, I'm stuck between supporting an individual with the strength of his convictions, no matter how much pressure he undergoes... or supporting a lowlife, scumbag lying weasel who blew off his voting duty and then blamed POLLARD for HIS failures.

And for me, that's a choice that a blind man could see in a minute.

And with every lie, every exaggeration, every effort to shift blame and avoid responsibility by this scum-sucking slime merchant, my conclusion is re-enforced a thousand fold.

It's bad enough that some of our elected leaders BECOME lying scum (like, for example, the empty suit in the White House.)

But should they actually start out that way?

No. And Tim "The Liar" Leavitt is so co-opted by his political need to be a pathological liar that he wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and bit him in the ass.

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