Thursday, October 22, 2009

Republican Senator Don Benton (R-17) endorses Pollard. I guess Tim "The Liar" Leavitt isn't a Republican after all.

Speaks for itself.

Dear friends and family,


I wanted you to know that I have endorsed the re-election of Royce Pollard as Mayor of Vancouver. I know that for many of you this will be shocking, so let me explain my reasoning. There are two choices in this race. I know both candidates. Royce and I have big disagreements on a few items (I-5 bridge, HOV lanes, light rail and tolls) and I am hoping he will someday see the light (no pun intended)on the light rail boondoggle. But even though we disagree, I believe Royce is honest, has impeccable character and is truly committed to the people of Vancouver and the job of Mayor. He strongly opposes the big casino project and with good reason in my opinion. Even though we have “had it out” a few times on issues, he still returns my calls…that says something about the kind of person he is. On the other hand, I believe Tim Leavitt to be an opportunist. I have never “had it out” with him on an issue but he doesn’t return my calls-not very responsive. We now know that he has not bothered to vote in many, many past elections which indicates to me that he really isn’t engaged in the electoral process-in other words-he doesn’t seem to care. He also supports light rail, the I-5 bridge debacle and tolls (although now he claims not to) and the big casino project. When someone, anyone, doesn’t vote for years and then wants to be Mayor, to me, it spells opportunist.


I would rather support someone that really cares and has good character even though we disagree on some issues than someone who is just an opportunist with their own personal agenda. I could have sat this one out but, as you know, that isn’t my personality. I want the best for my constituents and the best for Vancouver and right now with the choices we have, the best, in my opinion, is Royce Pollard.


(signed)Don Benton

Senator Don Benton



Clearly, many on the right have been completely fooled by Tim "The Liar."


That he's surrounded himself by democrats, that he whines and snivels and bitches and moans while in the midst of embarrassing our community (see my apology to Southwest Washington for this miserable little worm.) that he's repeatedly failed to vote; that he lies in his voter pamphlet candidate statement ("We all deserve to vote on important city programs" but we don't, in his twisted little world, deserve to vote on this massive and unwanted I-5 Bridge/loot rail project that he so rabidly supports?) that he refuses to take responsibility for his own actions...


Well, none of this are the hallmark of a Republican.


So, here you have it. Vote for a lying, non-voting little worm like Leavitt if you must, but DON'T do it because you're misled into thinking this clown, who endorsed Obama early on, is in the GOP.


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