Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt WANTS to be mayor of Whinerville.

It's bad enough that "The Liar" has his blog ghost written (Right, T?). It's bad enough that he's a total and complete lying scumbag about the issue of tolls. But this guy squeals like a little piggy when it comes to taking responsibility for his own action whenever he's held to account.

There's "false canvassers," all right... but they are LEAVITT'S.

On that $30,000 "laundry bill" from that union in New York on the PDC's is for.... wait for it.... CANVASSERS.

It's a shame this little worm can't control his own people.... just like it's a shame that he's continuing to try and deflect the attention of the people away from the truth of the matter, which is that Tim "the Liar" leavitt SUPPORTS TOLLS, has he has said time and time again when he reuses to oppose the bridge WITH tolls.

So, while there ARE dirty, scummy, lowlife tactics going on, their primary source is from Tim "The Liar" Leavitt himself!

So, this slimeball hires these scum to canvass for him, then complains about "irty tactics" and blames the other gut for HIS screw ups?

Can this little weasel accept responsibility for ANYTHING?

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