Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (XXVIII) The Columbian CONTINUES to try and rehab Baird's sucky image... and where's the author of the so-called "threat?"

I'm sure we're in for months more of this kind of garbage, but this crap is over the top.

"Baird," we are told, "suggests sweeping reforms."

Well, one reform I could agree with is for this slime ball to resign.


This rank, cowardly hypocrite who called ME a "nazi" and a "brown shirt" because I'm smart enough to disagree with that scum-sucking slime in the White House on his socialist medical program? This rank hypocrite who had already evidenced unbelievable hypocrisy by ignoring his own 72 hour rule by voting for the porkulus program that's indebted my children for the entirety of their lives and then voted for the cap and swindle, all without reading the bills in question.... HE "suggests sweeping reforms?"

I don't give a damn if this moron comes up with a cure for the common cold; his despicable actions, his rank hypocrisy, his mortifying insults and unbelievable arrogance have disqualified him from running for dog catcher, let along continuing on as our Cowardman.

And then, to make it even MORE bizarre, this absolute coward who refused to face us because of made-up threats, releases his grand vision IN SEATTLE, instead of having it published here, in OUR district.

And by the way, Cowardman... we're over two MONTHS down the road from your lies about getting threatened... so when are we going to see some arrests? WHen are we going to see somebody fry?

What's that? You or your people MADE IT ALL UP?

Well, DUH!

WHY? WHY are we stuck with such a cowardly worm, who's constituent relations are a pure, complete embarrassment?

With his credibility completely destroyed, his cowardice confirmed for all to see, we're now in the midst of our stain on journalism's unceasing efforts to rehab this moron's image so he will be a little less detestable in November of next year.

Well, like I used to say back in my GOP days: Elephants don't forget... and they don't forgive.

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