Friday, October 23, 2009

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt's campaign, where slime and tax increases ooze from every pore. Tax everyone down here to pay for the bridge?

You hear things around here... things like where the money's coming from... that there may be more coming in like the laundering of the New York money from another state... Like "The Liar's" campaign manger personally trained the canvassers and then personally made up a bunch of unprovable lies to try and deflect the voter's attention from the issues at hand... like in the email of 2 days ago discussed below.

In the fiasco that was Leavitt's little whine and cheese session yesterday, Lentz is quoted as saying:

Pollard’s campaign manager, Marsha Manning, said that Lentz said Wednesday that all canvassers for Leavitt, whether from the campaign or from outside organizations, "have been trained to be polite, efficient and respectful."

Really? If Lentz hadn't trained or otherwise coordinated with the Unite Here people...


Will Rogers is alleged to have said that he hated to lie, because it gave him too much to remember, instead of too much to know.

And sometimes, liars, in addition to BEING liars, are stupid. Like when they admit to coordinating with independent expenditures and they don't even realize they've just made the admission.

Like when staffers from the Hilton Hotel go on leave for 15 days, and will get paid ANOTHER laundered $30,000 over 15 days... to work for Leavitt.

That's gratitude for ya. If it wasn't for Pollard, there wouldn't be a Hilton to take leave FROM.

And then we find out yet another truth about Leavitt, who, besides actually supporting tolls, would cheerfully tax the REST of us to pay for the bridge and light rail if he can't get the tolls he wants to pay for it... a bizarre concept that oddly enough he seems to have been silent about until now.

Do we have any other surprises in store from "The Liar?" He ought to change his campaign slogan lie from "no tolls" to "tax everyone."

Gee, I see the subtle influence of Steve "Cold Hard Cash" Stuart in this kind of slime.

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