Saturday, October 24, 2009

So... who's laundering money into Tim "The Liar" Leavitt's campaign?

You've got to wonder where the money is coming from for Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

$35,000 has been laundered so far. The questions are: Who? How? Why? and for What?

I'm still working on I'Ding the source of the New York money. Rumor has it that the cash from New York City will be matched by somewhere through Georgia.

Who's behind that money? Why would Leavitt not condemn it? Why wouldn't he shut it off? Why wouldn't he go to the source and demand that the money be returned so he couldn't benefit from it... and that the canvessers that HE unleashed and then lied about when it came to them working for Pollard, be defunded?

Why would east coast money be piling up for The Liar?

I mean, after all, according to The Liar, he can shut off independent expenditure with a snap of the fingers... SO WHY DOESN'T LEAVITT TURN HIS OFF?

Simple. Because he's a rank, slimy, hypocrite.

Unfortunately for this community, he's surrounded himself with slimy hypocrites, Like Steve "Put the cash in a plain paper bag, Mr. Barnett" Stuart, and we're all made to suffer for it.

With his lies about tolls on the I-5 bridge replacement/loot rail scam and his newly hatched "tax everyone instead of tolls" plan, combined with his playground campaign lies and character assassination of his opponent and the fact that this slimy worm didn't bother to vote, time after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time... and he has proven himself unfit to hold ANY elective office.

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