Friday, October 30, 2009

There are hypocrites in politics... then there is Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

My phone has been ringing off the hook from contacts around the area telling me about yet ANOTHER session of Tim "The Liar" Leavitt acting both up to the standard of his nickname AND whining and snivelling like a little punk on the playground that just discovered recess is over.

So, when a bud of mine (Carl) told me that he'd come up with a copy of the tree edition of the Columbian (since the idiots running their show decided that Leavitt's temper tantrum weren't worthy of putting up on the web) we met for coffee and he forked it over.

Reading this has convinced me that The Liar is the biggest idiot in the history of local politics, bar none.

And it takes some doing to rise up to the top of THAT heap.

The headline? "Leavitt alleges partisan politics."

This from a totally rank hypocrite who is doing nothing BUT reminding voters in the 49th that he's a Republican?

So, this whiny little worm gets Rossi to, in effect, RE-endorse him, because Rossi already had, even though this slimeball had endorsed arguably the worst president in the last century, including that other White House embarrassment, one Jimmy Carter; when The Liar endorsed Obama.

There is just something Twilight Zonish when a political moron claims "partisan tactics" on the part of his opponent at the SAME time he's shilling the endorsement of arguably THE highest profile unelected partisan politician in the state.

How can one adequately label that variety of hypocrisy? How can one find the brush to describe such a moronic play?

As for Rossi, he showed his true colors the better part of 2 years ago... and most likely lost the election... when he stupidly endorsed the idea of spending $150 MILLION in taxpayer dollars to keep that basketball team up in Seattle. That Rossi has an "R" after his name is as distasteful as Don Carlson or Sam Reed having one there as well.

This is the last weekend in this election. I don't know how Leavitt could possible get more stupid than this, as he reminds the heavily democrat voters of Vancouver that he is, in fact, primarily masquerading as a Republican.

But I have no doubt that The Liar will find a way.

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