Friday, October 30, 2009

Rossi endorses Leavitt? and Leavitt endorsed Obama? And Leavitt needs to remind a heavily democrat area that their political enemies LIKE him?

Still stinging from Senator Don Benton's surprising endorsement of Mayor Pollard, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt has, apparently, decided to get people to believe that both Marc Boldt (who used to be a Republican... but who now only God knows what his political affiliation is) and Dino Rossi (Who also used to be a Republican) have just now come out to endorse "The Liar."

This is yet another in a series of scams, as both Boldt and Rossi had endorsed Leavitt from essentially the beginning of his campaign. But then, given his history, Leavitt seems to think of himself as the master manipulator.

As Ryan Hart, County GOP Chair related, The Liar introduced Rossi at a late campaign stop in 2008... the same campaign where The Liar had been an early endorser of the stain on America's history known as Barack Obama. So, to me, this isn't so much about who The liar is and what he supports, as it is who Dino Rossi is and who and what HE supports.

What I've got to wonder, though, is this:

Is it politically smart to constantly remind perhaps the most democrat area in Southwest Washington that you're endorsed by two alleged Republicans?

But who knows? What my instincts tell me is that The Liar is in serious trouble, if not having managed to lose an election that he should have won going away.

Now he seems to be making additional lapses in judgment by reminding everyone in Vancouver, including the democrats who loath them, that Boldt and Rossi support The Liar as well.

That makes as much senses as The Liar reminding the GOP that he endorsed Obama.

Good luck with that, Liar.

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