Friday, October 30, 2009

Gee... I've been inundated with Russell supporters crawling out from under their rocks.

Jon Russell stopped by my blog this evening... or was it one of his surrogates? There've been an even dozen or so, but oddly, only 3 IP's identifying the perps, so to speak.

Ahhh.... no matter. This little gift was left on my doorstep, not unlike the ubiquitous burning bag of poop.

Wow I didn't know we wanted councilman to be reviewing all the cities expense reports. This is really one of the most pathetic ways to try to rope a candidate into the scandal. I guess if we are going to start this maybe we need to know why veterans administration had issues while Castillo was there with the hospitals and maybe we need to check to see if any of Castillos clients lost any money under his advice from Edward Jones.
I kinda believe this is Russell himself, but it could be any one of those with the flawed reasoning process that would allow them to support a political mercenary like Russell.

So, since I just finished my gym workout, what say I cool off by crushing this moron's little anon gesture of idiocy here and now.... OK?

Let's set the table, shall we?

The Mayor of Washougal has some problems with city credit card(s) and a little trip to Vegas. The guy running against her, who has his own issues, blew the whistle in a most timely manner to inflict maximum damage on the good mayor, all in the name of political altruism, you understand.

That, of course, is neither here nor there. What happened is that Jon Russell, loyal and good fellow that he is, tossed his mayor under the bus in RECORD time. That, of course, is his privilege.

But in his haste to avoid the splatter, he neglected to mention that he and 2 other council members for the good city of Washougal sit in DIRECT oversight of the very credit cards in question.

Now, apparently, something was said at the behest of the this little group to the good mayor to ask her to reimburse the city for the copious amounts of alcohol she apparently charged on the taxpayer dime will "conferencing" in Vegas.

Clearly, like herpes, what happens in Vegas may not, necessarily, stay in Vegas... particularly when there's a paper trail. Right, Stacee?

All of that said, Mr. Russell, best known for his abysmal failure in ramming the humongous Port Tax increase down our throats; is, along with his two compadres, DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROVING THESE EXPENDITURES.

Well, it would seem that this merry little band approved them all, save for the booze.

But then, our erstwhile congress-critter wannabe, having completely FAILED to do the job he was responsible for doing, spewed thusly:

"I don't think these are cracks, they're craters," he said. "It looks like a pattern that is not being dealt with and that is not being brought to the attention of the council."

Odd, that. Since this little committee of 3 is personally responsible for reviewing EACH of these credit card expenditures and since they DID nail Sellers for drinking the booze on the taxpayer dime....


It was, of course. But the knee jerk reaction of this product of Chicago politics was and is to put as much distance as fast as possible between himself and the good mayor. So, instead of publicly admitting HE had screwed up as well, it came out deny, deny, and then, well, deny.

That leads us to these increasingly lame little comments Russell (and or his Winged Monkeys) are leaving here in blog land.

First of all, let me re-iterate: although I am a professional in politics, I have no professional relationship with any congressional candidate. I personally know both Mr. Russell and Mr. Castillo and I have had professional relationships with both of them; both while they were working for HROC.

That said... here we go.

"Wow I didn't know we wanted councilman to be reviewing all the cities expense

Is this were I point out how utterly irrelevant what "we wanted" is? Whether you WANTED it or not, THAT IS PART OF HIS JOB. That "we" may or may not "want it" matters not one wit.

This is really one of the most pathetic ways to try to rope a candidate into the
Perhaps. But his response to all of this is the most pathetic aspect of it. I guess he should have thought of it before he tried to dump all the responsibility on somebody else when he bears part of it himself.

If he had the guts to take some level of responsibility for this, then we wouldn't be having this little chat. But he lacks that kind of courage and integrity.

That, of course, is why I would support Baird over Russell. Because we already HAVE someone representing us with an unethical, gutless background. Why should we replace him with somebody else?

I guess if we are going to start this maybe we need to know why veterans administration had issues while Castillo was there with the hospitals and maybe we need to check to see if any of Castillos clients lost any money under his advice from Edward Jones.

That's the kind of stretch ol Jon is known for, but I guess the question is this:

Was Castillo elected to either a position in the VA or Edward Jones?

Was Castillo required to go over the credit card expenditures of a mayor while he was in either of those positions?

No? Then why would you so moronically bring this up?


That you don't happen to like that doesn't change it one wit. The ISSUE is that it was RUSSELL'S JOB AND HE DIDN'T DO IT.

And dude (or dudette, as the case may be) if you don't like it, that's just too damned bad.


  1. Having never gone on a blog before, I have to admit that I'm surprised to read so much anger and just plain "nastiness" here. I know I came on in the middle of this conversation, but, I'm just wondering who you are and are you as mean as you sound? Actually it seems kind of cowardly to me. I guess it IS your blog and you can say whatever you want, but, so much anger really does seem counter-productive.

    I do support Jon Russell, and to keep the record straight I can honestly tell you that I did NOT crawl out from under any rock. I have always voted "Republican", but, after this last election I felt compelled to do more and I see Jon as a strong candidate for Congress. I have found that it is much healthier to be FOR someone than to waste your energy being AGAINST someone. Our goal should be to take back control of Congress - not to pull down good men who are trying to do just that. There are plenty of Democrats who will gladly do that - we shouldn't do their job for them.

  2. I've written a post about my writing style, here, that explains it all, so I won't rehash it here.

    I appreciate the fact that you view my anger as "cowardly," although you seem very short on specifics as to how you arrived at that perspective... and, I would point out that of the comments in question, yours is the first with any identifying name of any kind attached... so while there may be cowardice, I would venture to say that you might, perhaps, aim your attention at your fellow Russell supporters, first.

    That said one of the great things about running your own blog is the how, when, what, and using what techniques to write are left entirely up to me.

    Taking it a step further, I would put it to you that even YOU did not dispute anything I wrote as factually incorrect; you just seem the tiniest bit upset about how I wrote it.

    The fact is that the "production" of my blog isn't your concern. In the parlance, if you don't like what I write, then perhaps you should consider writing your own.

    Further, no one made you come to my blog, so if you find it so difficult to put up with, then don't read it.

    You say this is your "first visit to a blog." Well, *I* didn't broadcast this post; and you clicked here from a link in an email via your Yahoo email account. (Isn't the internet fun?) and that means that someone emailed you this link... which seems productive enough to me.

    I get that you support Russell. YOU should get that after years of struggle and working my butt off for the GOP up to the state level, I can proudly say that I do so no more and have nothing to do with the Party any longer.

    I could care LESS about Russell's party affiliation; I know THE MAN and I am COMPLETELY opposed to him holding ANY position in ANY government that will have ANY impact on me.

    So, you support a guy that made thousands of dollars as a result of HIS effortas to run the campaign that would have resulted in the largest single property tax increase in this county's history, like Russell did when he ran the Port Levy campaign?

    YOU know what he WANTS you to know. Otherwise, you might not be so charitable.

    I believe, and have told him directly, that I do not want him elected to ANY position. And attempting to provide a perspective of Russell the way I've come to know him over the past few years where he has violated most EVERY tenet of what a Republican is SUPPOSED to be is the point.

    Feel free to support whoever you like, however you like it. But I know BOTH the primary GOP candidates and I stand by what I write.

    Further, I will NEVER, as long as I LIVE, EVER vote for someone just because of the letter after their name. The GOP had control of Congress from 00 thru 06 and screwed this up enough to get conservatives CRUSHED in 08.

    I BELIEVED, you see.

    And what did that get us? And I should do that AGAIN?


    I repeat: If Russell somehow manages to survive the primary to make it to general, I will do everything I can, to include public endorsement and financing of the incumbent, to see him defeated.

    You see, I would rather have a genuine democrat then a fake Republican.

    Thank you SO much for coming by, and feel free to do so again.

  3. This blog is a total waste of time. Life is just too short to spend it talking to a wall.

  4. Yeah.... I know what you mean.... but I responded to you anyway.

    I used to blindly follow the GOP myself... until I got to see things you'll never know. Then I wised up.

    Again, thank you so much for stopping by.... again..... to read my waste of time.... again.

  5. This is more like a talk show and I'm seeing "just a guy" is the culprit of worthless conversations.

    Blogs are just another form of advertising, trying to get what you believe out to the public, even if it's untrue. This looks more like a "bad ad" than a blog.

  6. JudyinWash tells us:

    "This is more like a talk show and I'm seeing "just a guy" is the culprit of worthless conversations."

    I would venture to say that at some level, most ALL blogs are something of a "talk show." They represent a place, like mine represents a place, where ideas can be exchanged and views examined, critiqued (or autopsied, if you will), so kudos for your observation.

    Again with the "worthless" thing.

    If this blog is so "worthless" and this "conversation" so meaningless...

    ...then why did you "bother" to take the time to respond?

    Judy went on to offer:

    "Blogs are just another form of advertising, trying to get what you believe out to the public, even if it's untrue."

    Well, as to the former, of course that's correct... kinda like a blog called "Whiskey Rebellion."

    As to the latter, you failed to mention anything that I've written that IS "untrue," a common theme of the Russellites stopping by.

    You complain about what I write... you vaguely call it "untrue," but you offer up not one wit of evidence to suggest that ANYTHING I've written isn't engraved in stone in it's truthfulness.

    If you have evidence to the contrary, present it. I'll be more than happy to blog it separately. I'm ALWAYS looking to be corrected if I'm wrong.

    Judy then concludes with:

    "This looks more like a "bad ad" than a blog."

    What.... no points for substance?

    Why.... I'm CRUSHED.


If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
