Monday, October 19, 2009

More Laird idiocy on his specialty: leftist bigotry.

The editorial page editor of our local paper is a fringe leftist nutjob.

This clown is both incapable of original thought, fairness or objectivity. He has been fully immersed in shilling for the agenda of that empty-suited, Anti-American racist bigot in the White House, lying, along with him, about everything having anything to do with Obama's destruction of this country.

I have blown so many holes through this moron's lies that it's got to be hard for him to drink coffee because of all the leaks.

His latest spew is completely in keeping with the nazi bigotry exhibited by the left and the leading lights of the minority victims such as Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton and other multi-millionaires who made a fortune on their victimhood.

Our local utter leftist moron squeals like a piggy when he says "Limbaugh 'victimized' by capitalism." That's just one of his many lies.

Here, clearly, is an example where Limbaugh was, in fact, 'victimized' by lying, fringe left scum both within and without the media... many of whom now, after the deed was done, are "apologizing" for failing to do what this despicable rag fails to do whenever it suits them: and that is, verify the information they've recieved by checking out the source.

"Capitalism's" roll WILL be central to this issue when, hopefully, Rush takes each and every one of these lying scum, including the entirety of the NFL, to court and sues their collective asses off.

But that's the only place where capitalism is involvedf in this matter. The issue here is the crushing of an individual's financial plans in the form of a desire to become a minority ownership position in arguably the worst team in professional football, the St. Louis Rams.

The issue here is the "why" of it.

The lying scumbag running the NFL, Roger Goodell, claims that the NFL has "high standards."

The owner for the "Leaving Baltimore in the middle of the night because we're cowards" Indianapolis Colts says that, in effect, Rush is a racist and divisive.

So... Rush is, pardon the expression, blackballed not because he's killed someone; not because he's beaten his girlfriend; not because he's assaulted anyone; not because he refuses to follow the NFL's "substance abuse policies". It's not for running a dog fighting ring. It's not for stealing another teams signals. No... it's not for any of those reasons... reasons that failed to cause any of the recently passed practitioners of these activities to be kicked out of football.

Instead, it's for engaging in the very thing THIS idiot does every time his column of bovine feces is printed.

It's because Rush says words and has ideas that these people don't "like."

Odd, isn't it, how one of our most cherished freedoms only applies to leftists... and not to anyone else.

This is not and never has been about "having sympathy" for Rush. Instead, it's about having contempt for leftist scumbags like Laird who are so blinded by their own peculiar bias that when the rights of one are crushed, they fail to grasp that the crushing, in this instance, happened to be someone else.

So, Laird... how would you feel if your job was ended because of the crap in your columns?

Obviously, that'll never happen, since you've been taking a dump on this community since you arrived here, with apparent impunity.

But what if it did, moron? You've regaled us with bigotry, lies, distortion and exaggeration for years.

What if it cost YOU a job, a purchase, a club membership?

Would that be all hunky dory with you, idiot?

Would you want us to have "sympathy" for someone who makes Rush look like a Cub Scout when it comes to bigotry and divisiveness?

Would YOU whine and snivel?

Of course you would.

It's you and toilet scum like you that have caused me to boycott the NFL for the rest of my life. So, the one thing that the National Football League HAS done, with the help of leftist scuzballs like you, is to show their true colors. And that made the decision easy.

I sincerely hope and pray that you will be faced with the same situation. I sincerely hope that you will be humiliated and either lose a job or be disqualified from one... not because of anything you've DONE, but because of what you've said and what you think.

I really, really, REALLY hope that happens to you, and soon.

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