Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mainstream Republicans = Fringe Left Democrats.

Have you ever noticed that there doesn't seem to be any political equivalent to the so-called "Mainstream Republicans" on the left?

Why do you suppose that is?

I, for one, believe it to be that the leftists have made the decision to avoid the costs and hassles of duplication. After all, why should they organize and pay for another group of democrats when the mainstreamers have provided that for them?

In this election... as in past elections, there's been no difference between the democrat positions and the so-called positions of the mainstreamers.

Democrats oppose I-1033 because they like things they way they are right now. Out of control spending, massive debt, enslavement of generations to pay for their programs. They offer precisely zero alternatives to 1033... no middle ground... no effort to tame the spending virus that infects them.

Oddly enough, that description also seems to fit the mainstreamers.

For once, the state GOP grew a pair and took positions... positions in favor of 1033 and in opposition to R 71. Not surprisingly, the democrats masquerading as Republicans known as mainstreamers took the democrat's positions on these... (Both R71 and I1033) positions in opposition to what is supposed to be their own party.

I despise mainstreamers. Currying favor from their fellow leftists may make them feel better, but selling out their own party ultimately winds up hurting the people of this state.

That they're really democrats is shown by their Clark County chair, democrat Liz Pike, who worked her ass off (Making some big bucks along the way) to get democrats elected while sitting on the Clark County GOP's executive board... making money off leftists she was trying to get elected. Yeah. She's a maninstreamer, and the very embodiment of everything they stand for... an almost unspeakable political hypocrisy.

When you look at mainstreamers' positions, typically, you'll find "property of the democrats" stamped all over them. And this election is no different.

Everything from their name to their positions are a lie (They are neither "main stream," nor "Republican," and their positions closely mirror their democrat masters) and typically, when they've taken a position or endorsed a candidate, we're best served by going in the opposite direction.

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