Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The "No on I-1033" folks stopped by my blog and THANKED me for my analysis!

People here pretty much know that I'm rabidly supporting I-1033, the "Give control of our money back to us" initiative.

Oddly enough, one of the many groups vacuuming up our tax dollars swung by and left this little gem:
Thanks for this analysis of the press coverage of ... Thanks for this analysis of the press coverage of I-1033. For more info on this initiative and other races, check out the Progressive Voters Guide – a one-stop resource on who and what to vote for if you want to see real progress in Washington.

The Progressive Voters Guide can be found at; it is available via email by request at Get the guide and vote for progress.

Cheryl Murfin, (David Hirning)
Fuse Communications Director,
Publish Reject
Now, look... I've got a sense of humor as much as the other guy... but this?

I post it, along with the addresses in it, because I figure that by now, if you're gonna buy the lies of the left on this, there's nothing I can do about it anyway.

But man... to "thank" me for MY "analysis?"

What do you suppose are chances they didn't read it?

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