Thursday, October 29, 2009

ANOTHER $10,000 of East Coast, special interest money for Tim "The Liar" Leavitt?

SOMEBODY is buying Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, precisely like SOMEONE bought Steve "I'll take $100,000 in unmarked bills laundered through Progressive Majority, Mr. Barnett" Stuart.

So far, that SOMEONE has laundered $40,000 through an East Coast union with absolutely NO dog in this fight... like SOMEONE laundered $100,000 through Progressive Majority for Commissioner Steve Stuart (D-Barnett)

I WILL find out who, and hopefully get them indicted. Meanwhile that these people felt compelled to scam this cash through a union on the other side of the country must mean SOMETHING... something like they think Leavitt has managed to lose an election that was, sure enough, his TOO lose... and this expenditure means that it looks like he's pulled it off brilliantly.

You know, a lot of people are going to look like idiots here.

If Leavitt manages to pull this off then he, like Stuart, will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of whoever is buying him. And I AM going to find out who that is.

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