Friday, October 09, 2009

Local loot rail fans, here's the future for us: Sound Transit - $3.1 BILLION DOLLARS LESS THAN PLANNED TO BE COLLECTED.

That's right, folks. Like the rest of the lies from Loot Rail fans, our closest massive waste of money in Seattle is coming in a mere $3.1 BILLION dollars short on their budget.

Sales and car tab taxes, tab taxes that have driven renewal costs to absurd levels, will have to be jacked up even HIGHER because of these lying scum.

And we're going to be facing the same thing here in EVERY respect.

That $4 BILLION waste of money for a bridge we don't want or need... a bridge that's entire reason for being replaced is ONLY to get loot rail into Vancouver? Figure on at least TWICE that much.

And who is going to make up for the shortfall? Talk about income redistribution.

And the money making quote in this article?Among the consequences:
Future light-rail lines will need to adhere to low-cost, simple designs, agency managers said. No cuts in service were suggested at Sound Transit's board meeting Thursday.

This is yet another in the series of reasons why I-1033 MUST be approved. Out of control spending and waste by out of control government bureaucrats and elected officials who simply DON'T CARE since it's not their money.

These people lied about how much their absurd level of taxes and fees for a worthless, obsolete, unneeded and unwanted transportation system that only amounts to bus replacements for the view who have an astounding amount sucked out of OUR pockets for THEIR transportation needs.

Disgusting... and a total rip off.

They tell us they only plan to waste $4 BILLION on this steaming pile.

Don't believe them. Don't believe them because the number of times these kinds of projects skyrocket over budget in comparison to the number of times they come in under the number they promise is geometrically higher.

Between this kind of swindle and the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot actually ACCEPTING the Noble Piss Prize, I have rarely been more disgusted with my government.

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