Saturday, September 05, 2009

Van Jones: racist bigot in the White House - Here's a few thousand well-chosen words this scumbag is tied up with

There is no question that the American people voted in this utterly clueless, anti-American racist bigot into the White House, so it's not surprising that that this scumbag would surround himself with like-thinking scumbags.

Van Jones is all that. A self-professed communist, Jones has no more business having a position in our government then he does engaging neuro-surgery.

The more time goes on the more the American people are doing the job that incompetent idiot in the White House SHOULD have done before hiring this waste of skin for ANY position, ANYWHERE.

Each minute seems to bring out yet another revelation about what an amoral, fringe-left, dangerous individual Jones is. And here's the latest, courtesy of Big Hollywood:

So, the question is this: What did our empty-suit know, and when did he know it?

There are, really, only two possibilities here:

In his incompetent haste to hire someone reflective of his political and social positions, Obama hired this clown KNOWING that he held these positions and beliefs, positions and beliefs that so closely mirror that of the messiah himself;

OR, his incompetence precluded a thorough vetting process and this scumbag slipped through the cracks.

Either way, this sorry episode amounts to yet another in the now seemingly endless series of reasons why that empty-suited, Anti-American racist bigot occupying the White House should no more be president then their lied-about-getting-from-the-dog-pound dog.

Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside to see what a firm grasp the incompetent leading us has on his own people. Much like the firm grasp he has on health care, foreign policy, domestic policy and military leadership.

In short... no grasp at all.

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