Sunday, September 06, 2009

More of the rank hypocrisy from The Columbian: In Our View, Sept. 6: Protect Minority

Double standard? Check.

Leftist bias? Check.

No lie or exaggeration they won't tell? Check.

In today's fantasy editorial, our local stain on journalism asks the rhetorical question:
While it is important for the courts to reach a definitive decision regarding the veracity of the signatures that were gathered, we wonder whether this law should be exposed to the tyranny of the majority.

Here's the problem with that:

When it came to, say, the smoking ban... where was this despicable waste of pulp on that?

Why is it that when this waste of space SUPPORTS the outcome, why, by all means: let's expose this issue to the unwashed masses and THEIR tyranny.

So, here we have an issue that these fringe leftist nutbergers hate: allowing the citizenry, as specifically written, to determine the outcome of this particular law.

Since this democrat newsletter fears that we might say "no" to the gay agenda, they don't want us to have a say.

This is, of course, a recurring theme with this despicable rag. They only want us to have a say... to express our position and opinions, when they are absolutely sure that the opinion accidentally is shared by their editorialists. THEN, having a say is, well, swell.

But when they suspect, or absolutely KNOW we oppose their agenda?

Not so much.

Then, apparently, we're too damned dumb to have a say. Then, THEIR judgement is far more important and informed then ours, and, by golly, we should just sit there like good little Obamatons and do what these people say.

That, of course, is why this garbage pile endorsed Vancouver's two law suits to silence the people.

They didn't want us to have a say.

That, of course, is why they will oppose next years county-wide advisory vote on the unneeded, unwanted and massively wasteful I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail scam... and why they have supported gerrymandered lines that silence tens of thousands but don't deny us the privilege of paying their taxes.

It's only the "tyranny of the majority" when that majority opposes this rank pile of garbage's agenda.

Otherwise, this rag would have written the same type of tripe for the smoking ban.

One man's "tyranny" is another man's "democracy."

I leave you, and the morons who wrote this editorial, with this:

SECTION 1 POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed...

So, do us all a favor, and stuff this "representative democracy" crap. The democracy in THIS state is whatever the people SAY it is... your fringe-left positions notwithstanding.

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