Sunday, September 06, 2009

And speaking of the left wing rag, where's their coverage of the Van Jones/Obama debacle?

THE hottest political issue for the last few days has been the Van Jones stupidity of their empty suited, anti-American racist bigot in the White House.

So... how come the only mention of Jones in this despicable rag has been by commenters in two articles... at least based on a search of their web site?

As mentioned below, Van Jones was the so-called "green jobs" czar. What he also happened to be was the more visual version of the racist bigot that is our president... and on his "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out" note, he was also a whiny, sniveling punk.

Jones was finally fired late last night in the deepest, darkest pit of the news cycle, so leftist scum rags like the Columbian could bury the lead. And, true to form, because this reflects poorly on the moron these clowns endorsed, what did they do?

Why.... nothing. Nothing at all.


Yet another sign of a complete disconnect from anything approaching "journalism."

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