Sunday, September 06, 2009

So, once again the Columbian does a job on Eyman: why some people hate government (Because they lie a lot)

The left hates Tim Eyman. Our local rag is no exception, as they've joined the "No on I-1033" campaign with a bang today.

The irony and rank hypocrisy behind this despicable pile of waste's position?

Just his past legislative session, the leftists they helped elect in the legislature gave this rag a MASSIVE cut in THEIR Business and Occupation tax.

So... maybe they can tell us again why it's OK for THEM to get a cut in THEIR taxes... but not US?

So, here's the list of lies and their liars:

In all, the county has cut $31.5 million, about 11 percent, from its two-year budget. The programs and services those cuts represent could never be restored under I-1033, Glenn Olson, deputy county administrator said. "We'll be challenged on a continuing basis just to keep what's left."

"It locks your revenues at the level during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression," Natasha Ramras, budget manager for the city of Vancouver, said.

Because I-1033 caps revenue from all general fund sources, not only property taxes, that option would go away. "There is no way to make that up," Battle Ground city manager Dennis Osborn said.

The bottom line, Battle Ground city manager Dennis Osborn said, is that public services will suffer.

"Expenditures would have to go down, so the long-term consequence is a reduction in services. If you don't have it, you can't spend it."

Now, there's bound to be some folks that will take exception to my description of these observations as "lies." But the fact of the matter is this: NO bureaucrat (and these people are ALL just that: bureaucrats) EVER got promoted for walking into their boss's office and saying, "you know.... my budget is too big... and I've got too many people."

And when somebody snivels "There is no way to make that up," that lie is obvious. Of COURSE it can be "made up." All you have to do is ask us. If we agree with what YOU want to do with OUR money... then where's the problem?

And when somebody spews: "It locks your revenues at the level during the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression," they're lying on it's face, since the late Carter Administration makes Obama's economic ineptitude look like a fender bender in comparison.

So why did the local stain on journalism print this garbage?

I dunno. That's a toughie.

In short, the primary concern of these people has nothing to do with the delivery of services. What it has to do with is "empire building."

Well, here's your sign: If YOU can't get the job done with what we give you, then YOU can be replaced by someone who will.

Meanwhile, we can expect an ongoing series of articles from the local hypocrite rag where they show whiner after whiner sniveling about "service cuts," or "starving kids" or some such nonsense, a pattern stretching back to I-695 and I-200, where this very same paper was, again, proven to be completely and utterly wrong.

But then, like those two initiatives, I-1033 doesn't fit the agenda. So, they must do everything they can to defeat it.... including lie and exaggerate.

Like they did in this article.

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