Saturday, September 05, 2009

Brian Baird: Coward (XXIV) And *I* haven't made up my mind on Referendum 71, either.

Our Cowardman, who we are, unfortunately, stuck with for the next 14 months or so; has repeatedly lied to us about where he stands on health care reform, much like he's lied to us about voting on a bill he won't have time to read... given his recent history of voting to unnecessarily bury us in hundreds of billions of dollars of debt in the porkulus and his effort to destroy our economy with the cap and tax bills... neither one of which he found time to read.

Like our Cowardman has yet to take a position on whatever Pelosi tells him to do, I have yet to take a position on Referendum 71.

Like our Cowardman when he discusses his position on caving into leftist leadership for socializing 1/6th of our economy, my support for allowing the people of this state to decide this question in no way illustrates my position on the Referendum in question.


Got it?

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