Thursday, September 03, 2009

Van Jones: another racist bigot in the White House.

It's bad enough that we have an empty-suited, anti-American, racist bigot as president... and we do. But does this moron have to surround himself with those of the same ilk?

Early activism
In 1992, while still a law student at Yale, Jones participated as a volunteer legal monitor for a protest of the Rodney King verdict in San Francisco. He and many other participants in the protest were arrested. The district attorney later dropped the charges against Jones. The arrested protesters, including Jones, won a small legal settlement. Jones later said that "the incident deepened my disaffection with the system and accelerated my political radicalization."[10] His outrage over the verdict radicalized him: Jones said he was "a rowdy nationalist"[11] before the King verdict was announced. By August of that year, he said, "I was a communist."[11]

Jones's activism was also spurred on by witnessing racial inequality in New Haven: “I was seeing kids at Yale do drugs and talk about it openly, and have nothing happen to them or, if anything, get sent to rehab...And then I was seeing kids three blocks away, in the housing projects, doing the same drugs, in smaller amounts, go to prison.”[9]

The left, of course, applauds this type of scum. But if you change a few bits of this scenario, they'd be losing their collective minds.

Let's for example, replace the word "communist" with the word "Nazi," and then change the rest of the context to reflect that.

And, of course, let's change the Administrations name from, say, Obama, to, say, McCain.

There would be rioting in the streets... constant, unrelenting attacks by the MSM (which is, come to think of it, rather a Pravda-like outfit anyway) and the cacophony would be wall-rattling in depth and breadth.

So, with the well-documented bigotry of our current president; with his economy-destroying domestic policies, his joke of a foreign policy, his bumbling in Iraq and Afghanistan, his wealth re-distribution, his intergenerational indebtedness, his frightening incompetence and ineptitude: why would he appoint yet ANOTHER communist who otherwise couldn't even get a security clearance?

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