Monday, September 07, 2009

Time to start locking up some teachers: Kent teachers vote to defy court order to return to work.

So, the scumbags that are the majority of the members of the Kent teachers union have told a judge to get screwed.

Now, it is illegal for teachers to strike in this state, and these particular scum seem to think that while the rest of us suffer (I've lost an average of 54% of my revenue since last June) they are somehow worthy of special consideration for their part time jobs.

Clearly, they are not.

At this point, were I the Kent school board, I would start by firing every striking teacher.

Were I the judge in this matter, I would get an alphabetical list of these worms and then I would start locking them up at the rate of say, five a day. I'd put them in with the worst criminals Kent or King County has to offer, and I'm sure there are some beauts.

Back in the day when I was on legislative staff, my boss actually had a constituent wrongly locked up in the Purdy Correctional Center form Women. I actually had to go there a few times, and while I was there, I was struck by the fact that some of the women there would not have looked terribly out of place as defensive tackles for the Seahawks.

Imagine some of these union agitators, holding our children hostage, being forced to share a cell with one of these Bubbettes over night.

Man, the stories they'd have to tell.

Anyway, one or two nights of that, and they'd be begging to come back to work.

Meanwhile, the school district could hire from a wide variety of junior, younger teachers laid off from other districts.

This would have the advantage of sending a message to these criminal law breakers that if you break OUR laws, you'll go to prison like any other criminal.

And, by the way.... if you don't like it?


It's a pity that I don't have children in the Kent school district. If I did, I'd be in court to get a contempt order at 9 a.m. tomorrow.

The teachers unions have done more harm then any other to our children. And it's time to make them pay, like they're making our children and the district's support personnel pay.

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