Monday, September 07, 2009

Steve Stuart's bachelor party? I'm surprised it wasn't sponsored by David Barnett and the Paskenta/Mohegan/Cowlitz Mob.

So, two of Tim the Liar Leavitt's biggest supporters are going to merge their operations.

Steve "$100,000 in cold hard cash" Stuart is getting married. And in keeping with their position as the local democrat newsletter, the local rag has to tell us about it.

Steve's a bright guy. Like that empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot in the White House, ol' Steve graduated from law school. Course, he never passed the Bar... but at least he graduated from a school.

Steve is a Clark County Commissioner. Now, the ONLY reason he's a Clark County Commissioner is because one David Barnett illegally laundered $100,000 through a fringe democrat front group, one Progressive Majority, who then illegally spent almost $90,000 of it getting Stuart elected back on 2005.

Now, I'm given to understand that Stuart knew that Barnett was going to be bundling this illegal cash for what is SUPPOSED to be an "independent expenditure" in August of that year. Barnett cheerfully gave up that, to him, minor amount of cash; because he, Barnett, knew that Stuart's then opponent, now Clark County Commissioner Tom Mielke, would do everything he could to keep the organized crime project then known as the Barnett/Mohegan/Cowlitz megacasino from being built and injuring our economy, overloading our infrastructure and screwing up our community.

Stuart, on the other hand.... not so much.

Now, Barnett has a history of attempting to buy politicians. In his ignorance (and for a guy with so much money, his political ignorance is frightening) Barnett gets hosed by consultants, has no sense of timing, and is dramatically unconcerned about a few mundane issues like election laws.

The first effort Barnett made to buy an election was with our own, inimitable, Pam Brokaw, back in the 2004 cycle.

Richard Curtis was running against Brokaw in the 18th District. Brokaw had no experience or qualification to be a state representative... just like she had none to be a county commissioner... but she was running for an open seat and the local newspaper only endorses democrats in open seats.

It's their history and an editorial policy or something.

Curtis was, at the time, strongly opposed to the criminal enterprise on the drawing board for the LaCenter exit of I-5. Brokaw never stood a chance, since in addition to her myriad of other talents, she supported gay marriage and partial birth abortion, two non-starters in the heavily conservative 18th.

Towards the end of her inevitable political demise, David Barnett swoopes in and dumps a cool $25,000 or so into an "independent expenditure" through Washington Conservation Voters, of all people, who then did a rather pathetic mailer accusing Curtis of supporting I-892, an initiative that would have started the process of ending the tribal gambling monopoly had it passed.

Washington Conservation Voters, like Progressive Majority, is a leftist front group that can be bought when the price is right... like Barnett bought them here.

Barnett has a LOT of money... so, he likes to "buy" things... "things" like politicians and groups, typically portrayed by media (How many times as our local stain on journalism relied on the WCV for quotes, positions and bulletins?) as having some level of worth or stature that they are wholly undeserving of.

Barnett's political ignorance showed. This time, he left an easily discovered paper trail, and his efforts to buy Brokaw blew up in his face, and Brokaw was blown out in the general.

But for Barnett, it was a teaching moment. He knew he had compromised his effectiveness in buying a candidate by doing it in such a way that his paper trail could be discovered and used both as proof of his efforts to corrupt OUR election, and that a politician had been bought.

So, in 2005, Stuart was up in a special election. Stuart had been appointed to replace Craig Pridemore who, in a stunningly moronic move, gave up his commissioner's seat to become a state senator... a position that earned half the money and ten times the frustration.

Stuart, the democrat, ran against Mielke, the Republican. Tom ran a solid campaign, and was ahead on points... when Barnett's $100,000 hit... $100,000 that Stuart KNEW was going to hit, months before.

Barnett knew that Mielke was a threat to his plan to screw our community, so $100,000 was chump change to buy a commissioner and eliminate an enemy. And it worked like a charm, THIS time, because he laundered his money through an out of state organization, with completely different reporting requirements. In fact, it wasn't until December of that year that it could be proved that Barnett had bought and paid for Stuart by laundering tens of thousands through Progressive Majority.

The $100,000 bought Stuart a series of mailers full of lies, half truths and exaggerations... and Stuart barely won.

Had Barnett not corrupted our election, Stuart would be pumping gas in Oregon, or something, instead of raping us on the unneeded and unwanted I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail scam.

He also wouldn't be doing all he could to get that casino in here, like he did with that bogus rescission resolution that made the Cowlitz thug squad so positively giddy.

Barnett, not having learned his lesson the first time, tried to stop the bleeding again with Brokaw; a candidate who went around saying that she would kick Mielke's ass since she had it all her way.

She had a HUGE fund raising edge (something like 4 to 1) and a leftist tide sweeping the land as Obama easily won Clark County.

What she DIDN'T have was an anti-bridge/tolls/loot rail/casino position. She was owned by the unions and by the casino.

Fortunately for our community, Mielke had all of those things, so thousands who voted for Obama then turned around and voted for Mielke.

And they voted for Mileke in spite of Brokaw arranging to have Barnett dump almost $80,000 into the last 72 hours or so of the election.

You would have thought Barnett would have known better.

But then, it had worked with Stuart... so why wouldn't it work with Brokaw?

So, congratulations to Steve Stuart and what's her face. May Stuart's corrupt political career end as soon as possible, and may you both find happiness in whatever Stuart's next career is going to be... pumping gas in Oregon, or whatever.

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