Sunday, September 06, 2009

Leavitt CONTINUES to LIE about his position on tolls.

God but I hate liars in politics.

As I pointed out below, Tim Leavitt is portraying himself as the anti-toll candidate.

The problem with that is this scumbag won't oppose this unneeded and unwanted Bridge WHEN tolls are mandated.

Note, I didn't say IF tolls are mandated.

I didn't say that because *I* know they will be mandated; Pollard knows they will be mandated AND LEAVITT KNOWS THEY WILL BE MANDATED AS WELL.

So, how is this a scam?


Leavitt CONTINUES to tell us that he's AGAINST TOLLS.

But if he won't oppose this massive waste of billions of dollars when we GET tolls... then what difference does his non-existent anti-tolls position make?

None at all.

And that what makes Tim Leavitt a slimy worm of a politician, a worm COUNTING on the ignorants who actually BELIEVE he actually OPPOSES tolls... when, based on the outcome, he ABSOLUTELY SUPPORTS TOLLS, BECAUSE HE WILL NOT OPPOSE THE BRIDGE WHEN TOLLS ARE MANDATED.

So, when Leavitt spews this on his blog:
For several years now, through the CTRAN Board and the Vancouver City Council, I have been lobbying for the following on behalf of the citizens of Vancouver, the riders of CTRAN and the commuters of Clark County (and, for my detractors, allow me to say that this is all a matter of public record):

· No Tolls on the I-5 or I-205 Bridges
He is, plainly and simply, LYING.

You CAN NOT support something if they DO something you oppose, then go around saying you opposed it.

This moron, just yesterday, CONFIRMED that WHEN they slam tolls on this unbelievable waste of billions into place, HE, LEAVITT, WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT IT.

This makes Leavitt a scummy, slimy political worm, not unlike that empty-suited, Anti-American racist bigot Leavitt endorsed in the last election.

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